Chapter 2: Halloween Party

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It was the night of the Halloween party in Nat's room. Chloe was dressed up as a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader and she was doing shots and having fun. She saw everyone but Bucky and she found Steve and said "Where's Bucky?' 

"oh um he doesn't come to parties. When he first started to date Dot he was the party boy but she changed him he's not allow to talk to cheerleaders or really do much of anything." Steve said

"But she doesn't go here." Chloe said 

"I know that's what we have all told him but he won't do it." Steve said

"Where's your room Steve?" she said 

"We are in room 435." he said 

She grabbed a bottle of bourbon and her two shot glasses. She got on the elevator and pushed the 4th floor button. She walked down to their dorm and went in and found Bucky doing his homework at the coffee table. 

"Chloe?' he said confused 

"Why are you up here doing homework when the fun is downstairs." she said 

"I um I .." he said as she sat down beside him and did a shot. 

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue baby." she said 

He continued to look her up and down and said "no you just um aren't all covered up like you were the other day. " 

She smiled and poured him a shot and he said "Chloe I can't.." 

"Bucky she's not here she's not going to know that you A was talking to me or B know that you drank some bourbon with me. I won't let you do something stupid." Chloe said 

"Chloe I can't." he said 

"Why? Because it's me." she said

"No it's not because it's you I just can't she doesn't like it." he said 

"Bucky Barnes you are the starting quarterback and you can't go party and celebrate a winning game or enjoy a halloween party cause your girlfriend whose in NY said no." she said 

He looked down and she said "Bucky Steve told me you have been like this since you started to date her that you changed who you were for her. I'm sorry but that doesn't sound like love that sounds like control." 

She grabbed his phone and saw a picture of Dot and said "A red head that certainly explains a lot." 

"What's that suppose to mean?' he said as he took his phone back. 

"We like being in control we are sassy bitchy hot tempered hot headed and spicy." she said 

He looked down and she lifted his chin and she whispered "Open baby." as she grabbed the shot glass she poured him. She poured the shot into his mouth and he swallowed it. "Chloe don't do this to me." he said 

She climbed on to his lap and straddled him and he let out a breathe and she whispered in his ear "Baby I'm not doing anything that you don't want to do I can tell by the look in your eyes that you would rather be downstairs having fun with your friends drinking having a good time you miss it. I may be a red head and all those things that I named off about red heads but baby I would never let you do something to mess up your relationship  with your bitchy girlfriend." 

He moaned and he said "Chloe please get off me I can't ok I just can't." 

"Ok fine.. I'm going back to the party to have fun." she said as she grabbed the bottle of bourbon and the shot glasses and slammed the door as she left. 

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