The Cliffs of Insanity

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Matt dropped to his knees in front Caitie and I couldn't hold back the gasp that escaped my mouth.

Holy shit! Was he doing what I thought he was doing?

"Sunshine, I know that some people will say that it's too soon but if this past few months has taught me anything it's that we shouldn't take the good things in life for granted. You are one of the best things in my life Buttercup. I'll follow you into the Fire Swamp, I'll climb the Cliffs of Insanity for you, I'll fight the R.O.U.S.'s and I'll come back from the 'sort of dead' for you. You can tell me to do anything and my response will always be 'as you wish'. I'm yours and you are mine. Caitlin will you marry me?" Matt asked in an unsteady voice as he took her hands.

It was an emotional enough moment without the pregnancy hormones coursing through my system. With them? When Caitie said 'yes' and tackled him to the ground I burst into noisy and uncontrolled sobbing. Zacky wrapped an arm around my shoulders and passed me a paper napkin. I was still blubbering like a fool when Brian's voice rose up from the chorus of congratulations, "Way to give a guy a complex about his romantic deficiencies dickhead." He turned to Steph and took her hand. "Ace you want me to propose again? I'll find some romantic shit and quote it if you like?"

Steph leaned in and kissed him, "It's all good guitar boy. You wrote me a song."

Brian looked smugly pleased with himself, "Hell yes I did!"

When Matt and Caitie emerged from beneath the table I pushed my chair back and threw my arms around my sister. She was taller than me so as I sobbed into her shoulder she patted my hair uncertainly. Poor Caitie she wasn't used to so much emotion from me. I couldn't help it, for the moment The Spawn was running the show. When I finally took my seat again it was under the curious gazes of all those assembled at the table. I could see the sympathy in Steph's face and Brian had adopted one of his impressively impassive expressions, they knew exactly why my emotions were making me behave like a freak show, but everyone else looked vaguely concerned.

"I'm just so happy for you both," I blubbed accepting another napkin from Zacky and dabbing at my eyes. Almost everyone seemed to take that at face value and attention turned away from me especially when Matt spoke up.

"Just so you all know, if you want to call this our engagement party I'm fine with that!" Balled up napkins and chunks of ice flew in his direction. Cathy screeched in protest. As Jeff clucked soothingly at her Matt continued, "Come on Cath, there's no law that says you're only allowed one engagement party."

When we'd finished eating I stood up so that everyone could take a turn to sit beside my sister and admire the ring that Matt had produced from the pocket of his shorts. Apparently he'd been carrying it for weeks but hadn't built up the nerve to ask her. I couldn't help but feel envious of the way Caitie had seemed to fit in so effortlessly to this group of friends. It wasn't in my nature to hold myself back from the centre of the action but for some reason I couldn't help it.

I felt a tight lump in the centre of my chest as I watched Zacky with his friends. He was being an idiot and waving his hands around as he spoke and something that Johnny said had him throwing his head back in laughter. With every fibre of my being I wanted to stand at his side and claim him as mine. In this group of couples Zacky and I were the odd ones out. Even with all my years of friendship with Zacky, because no one knew of it, I felt like an interloper. These guys were all family and the only reason that I was there was because of my sister and my best friend. None of them had ever made me feel unwelcome, even if Brian did love to give me shit, but I felt uneasy. When Zacky went to fetch me another 'vodka' I found that once again Brian was beside me.

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