Chapter 1: So-called Utopia

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Deafening screams and grunts filled my ears like a deafening blow that stunned me momentarily in my rush to fix the broken man in front of me. Half of his face was unrecognisable. the pink skin was torn while most of the flesh had been removed by the impact of pavement. His sobs were almost inaudeble while all I saw move was what was left of his lips.

I had seen him multiple times on campus. He was such a playboy. Nothing wrong with that. He was also one of the most dedicated students and never missed a chance to higher his grades. Such a deep and enticing voice that melted like chocolate above a flame would surely be lost in this war.

The bullets were lodged too deep into his legs and my pathetic excuse for medical equipment simply wouldn't do the job. His face contorted in pain as I removed my hand from the bleeding wound. I would surely get another time-out for what I was about to do, yet why would anything like this matterin war. It shouldn't matter as long as he survives. Grabbing the disinfectant and heading to my cubbourd, I rummaged until I had found the thin torch that was given to me to help me aid soldiers in the night out in the field. The back of the torch could extend and had a magnet attached to it.

The magnet was actually for getting keys or coins out of small spaces. It was made for a normal household, yet I was sure it would do the job. What i hoped was awhimper, came from him and I realised I was wasting time contenmplating my decision.

Briskly walking over to the sink and drowning the back of the torch in the disinfectant after taking out the batteries, I was mentally preparing myself to accept the fate of this soldier on my concience. Eyes spilling the tears of lost hope met mine and I took a deep breath. My lungs seemd to expand tenfold, but deflate to the size of my tung when I breathed out. Carefully stretching the hole of the wound a little more open, I started pushing in the magnet side of the torch.

Fortunetely he was paralyzed with pain, so I was not met with any blows or movement in retaliation to stop any chance of helping him. This meant that the noise that his distorted features were making was much worse than before. I wouldn't be suprised if he passed out, had it not been for the amount of enery-based products he consumed each day.

I felt the magnet his something hard and started pulling it out, however halfway it lost the added weight. Risking putting him in more pain later, I continued to pull it out. All that I was met with was a sore sight of blood.

Frustration and a little hysteria set into my mind as i swiftly stuck it back into him, ignoring his grunts for me to stop and leave him to die. I was sure that I was pushing the torch in skew when I hit the same hard thing.

Then it hit me that that was his bone.

And that I had been a bit off when searching for the bullet.

A heavy stone settled in my stomache, rocking me on my feet to rhe point where my vision went momentarily black.

With little to no hope left, I started wiggling it around. He would be closer to death than a spirit by the time i got that bullet out.

I wasn't a docter. I wasn't trained. What did he expect?

Finally feeling the click of the bullet latching onto the magnet, I started pulling out once more. This was easier than before considering that I had enlarged the tiny hole in this body to the point where i could fit five pens in there.

The bastard came out like a newborn child. Causing excitement and a slight distress.

My patient had long since resorted to crying with his head hung to the side in defeat. I cupped his face, hoping that he was still sane and stable. With red eyes, he watched me with a marbid expression. Slowly working up a smile, I held the bullet in his line of sight as he slightly cowered.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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