Chapter 1

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  ****Aaliyah's POV****

  "Ali, is everything ok?" Kevin asked. We had been out of the hospital for a few days, and we were sitting at my house in my bedroom. I still hadn't told him what my parents had said.

    "Yeah, I'm ok." I answered.

     "Aaliyah, I can tell somethings wrong, so spill." Kevin only used my full name when he was serious, so I began to tell him.

     "Okay, so when I was in the hospital, my parents told me something about my past." I said

    "What did they tell you?" He asked.

    "They told me... Well... I have a brother, Kevin. His name is Jacob and my parents think he died in a car accident when we were 5. The day we we got in the accident, he called them. He's here in England somewhere, and my parents are trying to find him. I.. I don't know what to anymore." Tears were dripping down my face, and Kevin threw his arm over my shoulders.

   "Look at me, Ali." He said. I turned at looked at him. "I.. I love you, and I have since the day we met. Seeing you like this kills me inside. I know you're probably not ready for a relationship yet, but I want you to know that I'll always be there for you, no matter what."

   "Kevin, it's ok, I love you to, and I feel the same way. You're right about me not being ready for a relationship yet." I said.

  "Why don't we go to the park?" Kevin asked

  "Kay." We got up and went downstairs so I could tell my mom where I was going. 

   "Okay, but be back no later than midnight." She said.

  "Ok." We walked past her and to the front door. Kevin opened the door and let me out before he walked out himself.

   He grabbed my hand and we began walking to the park. We laughed and talked the whole way there, and for once, I actually felt happy. When my sister was killed, there was no time to be happy, and no one in my family has been happy, even a year after the funerel. Being happy was a new feeling for me, and I actually liked it.

  When Kevin and I got to the park, we went and layed under the big maple tree that had been there since we had met.

  "Remember the day I kissed you under this tree?" Kevin asked me.

 "Of course I do, it's one of my happiest memories." I answered.

 "Do you remember what I told you?"

  "Of course."

 "Then what did I say?"

  "You told me you loved me, and that nothing in this world could tear us apart"

  "That's right. It feels like that happened just yesterday" Kevin sighed and turned to look at the sunset.



  "Do you... Do you have any siblings?"

****Kevins POV****

"Do you... Do you have any siblings?" Aaliyah asked. As soon as she finished the question, memories from my past that I thought I had forgotten came back.

BOOM!! The loud clap of thunder shook the house, causing everyone to wake up.

"Kevin?" My younger sister and only sibling, Eliza, said. "I'm scared."

"It's okay, Eliza, everything will be okay." As soon as I finished the sentence, we heard screaming. It was coming from our parents room. We rushed out of our room and ran towards the stairs.


 I heard the noise before Eliza


  Eliza was running up the stairs. I didn't even have the chance to even attempt to hold her back.

"ELIZA COME BACK HERE!!!! THERE'S SOMEONE ON THE STAIRS!!!" By now it was to late. I stood at the bottom of the stairs and that's when I heard the sound of a gun being shot.

 "ELIZA NO!!!" I shouted. I knew it was to late. I ran outside and down the street to my friend Jacob's house. I walked right in and grabbed the phone and dialed 911.


 "Hi. My name is Kevin and I think there's a murderer in my house."

 "Where are you, Kevin?"

 "I ran to my friends house. My parents are still there, and I think my sister is dead."

 "What's your address, Kevin?"

 "4422 Baker Street"

 "Ok. We'll send people over as soon as we can. Thanks for calling!!"  The officer on the other end said and dropped the call.

 I went to find Jake and let him know what was going on. I got to his room and-

"Kevin?? Kevin!!" I heard Ali's voice and I snapped back to the present.

"So. You didn't answer my question. Do you have any siblings?"

"No.. No I don't" I answered.

"Oh" Was all she replied. Thank goodness.

****Aaliyah's POV****

  Was something wrong with Kevin? All I did was ask a question, and he went into some sort of a trance. I watched him for a few minutes, then snapped my fingers in his face and he came back to the present.

 "So. You didn't answer my question. Do you have any siblings?" I repeated my question

"No.. No I don't." he answered.

"Oh" I replied.

Did I just make things awkward? We sat there for a minute in complete silence. Yep, I did. Way to go me.

"So... What do you want to do now?" Kevin finally asked.

"Ummm.... Wanna just go home?" I asked.

"Nahh. Let's go get some pizza."

"Ok. Let me text my mom." I said. Kevin and I got up as I sent a quick text to my mom.

"Umm.. Let's go get my car.. It's to far of a walk to the pizza place." Kevin said.

"Okay." He grabbed my hand and we began walking towards his house, and I realized something. Even though I had known Kevin for a long time, I've only been in his house once.

"Kevin, do you live with anyone?" I asked him.

"Uh, yea. I live with my friend Jake." He answered me.

"Can I meet him?"

"Sure, I guess." Kevin answered my last question as we walked into his drive way. Instead of going straight to his car, he led me into the house.

"Jake, someone's here to meet you." Kevin shouted when we walked into the door.

"K, be down in a sec." I heard a voice answer. Kevin and I stood there for a minute before someone came running down the stairs.

"K im.... Whoa, who's this?" Jake asked.

"I'm Aliyah. Aliyah Jensen." I held my hand out for him to shake it.

All he did was turn around and run back up the stairs.

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