Chapter 4- The Teenage Bloody Dream

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Jayys POV

I've decided I'm not going to go to Dahvie's house, I'm nervous just to be around him in school surrounded by other students so what would it be like when it's just the two of us? I would probably just end up doing something stupid or making a fool out of myself, why am I like this around him? I'm usually quite confident but as soon as Dahvie comes into sight my insides seem to melt. It's like he has cast a special spell on me which makes me want to do whatever will make him happy.

How am I going to tell him that I can't go to his house, I need an excuse. Is this wrong though, shouldn't I be completely honest with him? No I'll just tell him that I have to babysit or something, otherwise I know I'll just ruin anything that could be. I take a deep breath, come on Jayy this isn't a big thing.

"Dahvie I'm really sorry but I can't come over tonight, I have to babysit my mum's friend's kid" I say feeling my face start to go red, oh god I  hope he doesn't see.

"Oh man that sucks, another time then?" Dahvie replys brushing his fringe out of his eyes in one smooth motion, I just can't get over how adorable he is.

"Yeah of course, see you tomorrow" I hurry off before I change my mind or he sees I'm lying. It was so hard to tear my eyes away from him, what the hell is wrong with me?

Dahvie's POV

I stare after Jayy as he walks off quickly until he turns the corner out of sight, he's like the teenage bloody dream. Damn I've never fallen harder and in such little time, the feelings I have towards him are the strongest I've ever felt about anything. I'm going to go crazy at this rate unless he becomes mine.  I want him to treasure and hold, I want to keep him safe. Brain buzzing I walk out of the gates, ignoring the slow leak of students filtering out beside me. Their shouts and taunts mean nothing, I only care about one thing now. Wait, what am I thinking? Dahvie you can't have him, remember what you swore? Of course I do but this is like an ache, and the ache will grow stronger and bigger over time, I know it. I know I'm not good for him, I'm the worse thing but I can't let him slip through my fingers. It would be so selfish to take him for myself but I might just have to let myself be greedy. 

I walk along the path not paying attention to anything, not that I need to being who I am. All I keep thinking about is how I can have Jayy, but at the same time I don't want to force him into anything. I don't want to hurt him, I want to save him. Pictures of Jayy flash in and out of my mind- his perfect body, perfect personality, perfect hair, perfect lips. Everything. Oh and those eyes, they're flawless. I wish I could see those eyes smile though, they always seem to be sad. Even when the rest of Jayy looks happy his eyes give him away, they really are the window to your soul. Something is eating him inside, I plan to find out what.

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