Chapter 1: Night

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Darkness. Whips crack and screams echo. Blood runs down stone in trails. Tracks that slither by horror and the scent of fear, soaking everything and everyone stuck under this godforsaken rock. Death and dying, choking, gasping and red eyes glowing, laughing at fire so easily doused and broken and no hope left...

The woman sat up with a strangled sob. She panted, looking frantically around her. Walls, not stone. Bed, not chains. She slowly forced herself to breathe more calmly, letting loose one more shudder before stilling. With a groan, she ran a hand through her sweat soaked hair. A glance beside her told what she already knew. Beron was gone and likely hadn't ever arrived.

Feet were shoved into useless silk slippers that padded across the room into a hallway and then the private dining area.

Private like everything else ever is... The woman thought quietly.

Breakfast was still being laid out and with a glance at a window the woman understood why. One of the servants spotted her and squeaked.

"I-I'm sorry m'lady." It bowed several times and wrung its hands. "We're almost through. We just didn't expect you up so early, that is, I mean, you must get some sleep, your ladyship, and-"

"It's no bother at all." The woman interrupted with a wave of her hand and an attempt at a smile. "Please continue or go on, it's not your fault I'm unable to stay in bed."

The faerie stopped bowing and blinked. "Yes madam, as you wish m'lady, er, that is," It fidgeted and then simply bobbed its head and said, "Yes." It whirled around and began frantically laying out dishes.

With a sigh, the woman sank down in a chair in the corner and watched. The first few grumbling rays of sunlight were stabbing their way through the window glass and reflecting off the faerie's skin. Patterned scales wrapped around and between neatly trimmed claws and tendons while a faint tan color flushed into dusky red where the beams touched. The woman looked up when it sniffed, noting the sharp jaw lines and cheekbones, along with the large eyes, peaked ears, and delicate spines crowning its head.

It set out the last dish and sniffed again, tapping its claws together nervously.

"What is your name?" The woman blurted out.

The faerie flinched and stared at her. It shuffled its feet and then stepped forward, opening its mouth.

"That's none of your concern, my dear." The words drawled out from the doorway, laced with venom.

The faerie yelped and stumbled away from the table. A medium figure leaned in the door glowering.

"I believe your task is complete, don't you?" The voice said coldly with a step forward.

With a whimper and after glancing once more into the woman's eyes, the faerie skittered from the room along with all the others.

The woman's heart sank and she looked away from the man standing before her. I hate him. She thought bitterly.

"Hello, Aurelia." The man growled.

"Hello, Beron." She said blankly, closing her eyes to the sunlight caressing her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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