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"love is so short, forgetting is so long" - pablo neruda





my black beanie with the words ain't no wifey on it starts to fall off my head, so i adjust it and sigh, pulling my gryffyndor, harry potter book bag over one shoulder. i brush a strand of hair out of my face, moving it so it joins the rest as my scarlett ringlets sway low past my hips. i stare down at my black vans as i move swiftly through the hallways that belong to mclauren high school. my dark red tights compliment my grey sweater that falls to the middle of my thighs, black cross earrings and thick black eyeliner finishing off my choice of clothing for the day. i sigh and walk swiftly to the front office, stopping when i reach the lady at the desk.

"how may i help you?" she asks in a cheerful tone, and my eyes swoop down to her name tag. clarice smithson, it reads.

"my name is amaranth gold," i tell her, my voice in a soft tone. her eyes take on a realizing look.

"i have your schedule right here. if you feel like you need to change it or the classes are too fast or too slow for you, then you come back to me, and i'll change them," she informs me, a smile gracing her lips. i take the schedule while returning her smile, and i walk out the door.

when i didn't think my first day of school could get any worse, fate decides that it's time for someone to bump into me and knock me onto the floor.

"i'm so sorry!" the other female gushes, offering a hand to help me up. i stand up, ignoring her outstretched arm.

"it's alright," i reassure her, taking in her straight violet hair and bright green eyes. i notice that she's several inches taller than me, probably around 5'7, but that's no big deal since everyone is taller than my 5'0 height. 

"i'm stella," she introduces herself, sticking out her hand for me to shake. i smile a bit and grasp her hand in mine, giving it a light shake.

"amaranth," she raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow at my name.

"that's quite a mouthful," she tells me, and i nod, giving her a crooked smile.

"yeah it is. would you happen to know where ap literature is?" i ask her, handing her my schedule.

"ah, mr. myers. i have him right now, actually, so i'll walk with you," she tells me, and i breathe out a small sigh, relieved to actually know someone in my new class. we walk quickly down the rest of the hallway, taking a left, going up a flight of stairs, then finally turning into the first classroom on the left. i walk in the classroom with her, taking a seat next to stella in the back of the class. the bell rings a few minutes later, and other kids scatter into the room like bugs.

"hello, hello, students, oh, it looks like we have a new one of you here today!" a young man, whom i can only assume is the teacher, with black hair and blue eyes exclaims, walking to the back of the room. he pulls me out of my seat so i'm standing, forced to look up at him because he's around 6'4.

"what's your name?" he asks, and everyone turns in their seats to look at me. i flush red, and stutter a moment before answering.

"amaranth gold," i reply, and a few snickers sound from around the room. mr. myers fixes them with a glare, and the students stop their laughing.

"i'm sure we're all very glad that you're now in our class, ms. amaranth. can you tell us one thing about yourself, please? it's alright if you don't want to," i suck it up, because i don't want to seem like a total dweeb.

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