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I woke up with left over mascara over my eyes


A broken heart.

I've not been on my phone since my "cheating" incident and I haven't been and probably won't go on social media because everyone will call my a "whore" or a "slut".

I have also been ignoring all my messages and calls but one thing has always been on my mind...


I sat staring at my phone

He had sent me about 50 messages just saying
"Where are you"
"Are you okay"
"Sahar luna Castro"

I ignored them

He tried to call me again

I answered

"Sahar omg your okay"

"I wouldn't say okay "
"I want to die gray"

"No you don't stop saying that Sahar"

"I thought he was the perfect guy "

"But he wasn't"

"Well then who is "

He froze

"You'll find him I believe in you"

"I just want someone "

"I'll come to yours if you want ?"

"Yes please"

"Okay send me your address"


I hung up and gave him my address

I waited about 15 minutes but I got ready while I was waiting.

I got changed because I was still in my pj then I wiped my makeup because I still had my mascara under my eyes

I heard a knock
It was Grayson

I walked downstairs and took a deep breath then opened the door...

"Sahar" he hugged me

He was warm
I was waiting for a hug

"Come upstairs" I said barley talking

My room was a mess
Everything was in the wrong place
Food wrappers were everywhere and
Pictures of me and Cameron where crumbled up on the floor.

"Ignore the mess" I said tying to lift the conversation
"Can I sit ?" He asked pointing at my bed
"Sure go ahead"
"We need to talk" he said he looked worried



"I really like you like a lot"

"Gray—" he cut me off

"Cameron wasn't right for you. You are a amazing funny and pretty girl and if he can't see that he's not the one. When I met you I know I was going to fall for you. Even when I hear your name I get butterflies and I know your probably not ready but I'll always be ready for you okay"

"I like you too gray"

"Well you have a really weird way of showing it"

"Thank you" I smiled

We lay back on my bed just sitting in silence.

"I probably should get going now" he said

"Okay" I was sad when he said he was leaving

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