C1 P2: Suspension

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They made me go to the headteachers room, urgh.

"For gods sake." I muttered, and Sensei frowned at me.

I knocked on the door, and waited for him to answer.

"Come in, Kishinuma." How did he know it was me?

Okay. I'm calm. I won't go mental.

I opened the door, and went inside. Then he gestured towards a chair.

"Bring that over here." He said, and I did as told.


Dukoi got up, and I clenched my fists. "Hey, pretty lady." Dukoi winked as soon as everybody went.

"Hah, do you want me to say the same thing, that you're handsome? I'd be lying if I did." I raised my eyebrow.

He chuckled a little now. "Erm, nothing's funny." I said. He came over to me, and bit his lip.

I would be lying if I said he wasn't handsome at all. I used to have a crush on him, but then Satoshi came.

His pure white hair, those piercing blue eyes, them ear piercings all along his ear.

Dukoi always has this nice fashion too, that used to drive me crazy. I would've done anything for him.

Then he put his hand under my chin. He forced me to look into his eyes.

He put his mouth next to my ear. Before he could say or do anything, I pushed him.


"I'm afraid you've been suspended. You've caused too much trouble in this school year." The Head sighs.

My ears felt like they were going to pop. "Dukoi started this!" I yell, not too loud though.

The head raised his eyebrows. "That's not what everybody said." He replied.

I sighed. "Fine." I muttered. I got up from the chair, and opened the door to go out.

He didn't say anything else, so I walked to the school hallway where I was previously in.


He banged his head on the locker! "D-Dukoi.." I gasp, and run over to him.

I hear someone coming down the corridor, so I look over incase it's Sensei. No, it's Kishinuma.

Great. Just great.

"Kishinuma!" I whispered, hoping he would hear.

He looked over and spotted me, and I gestured to come toward me. He nodded.

"What happe-" I interrupted him, by saying I pushed him by accident. It was a reflex. It wasn't.

I didn't want to lose my reputation by saying it was on purpose!

"Oh right. Well, I can't stay. I've just been suspended." Kishinuma says, and I gasped.

He-he can't go! I need him! "You can't go Kishinuma-kun!" I pounce on him, and hug him tightly.

"S-Shinozaki.. I've been suspended. I can't stay!" He mutters, and I start sobbing.


She was hugging me. I didn't ever think she'd react like this, I thought she'd just shrug and not be bothered.

I heard more footsteps though, and just when she got off me, Dukoi woke up. "Ouch." He groaned, rubbing his head.

Then he saw me. "What are you doing to me you idiots!" He growled at me and Ayumi.

"We're not doing anything!" I said, and then I got up. "I better go, seeing as I got suspended." I glared at Dukoi.

He grinned. "Now the school doesn't have to deal with your ugly face." He chuckled, and then Ayumi slapped him!!

"Just shut up!" She yells. "I-I need to go." I stutter, going bright red.

Why did she do that? Well, that made me like her even more. A smile spread across my face as she hugged me, goodbye.

Dukoi frowned, and slowly and carefully got up from the ground.

Ayumi waved as I walked down the corridor, and then I got to an exit.


Wow.. I hugged him and he smiled.. Does he have feelings for me? No.. I just don't know! I sigh, and walk to class

Leaving Dukoi in confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2014 ⏰

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