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If Mr. Emery had any issues with what happened with me and Colin he didn't let on. However once we stepped off the plane I noticed the wall of ice slowly start to settle back into place. The taste of the open and caring man he was capable of being was just that a taste. Once we returned to the real world we were confronted with all of the real world issues. We didn't continued sleeping in the same bed and we barely played but things did take on a more normal tone. Complete with boredom.

Mr. Emery went back to staying late and so I had ample time to wish I had taken up a hobby. Unfortunately my mind went back to the manuscript I had burning a hole in my Birkin bag. I didn't bring it with me to Connecticut but since we were back in home it returned to the bag with all of my other stuff.

"Maybe I shouldn't," I said to myself as I stared at my purse. "What's the harm I know everything already," I reasoned as I took out the thick manuscript. After making myself a cup of tea I walked into the living room and started to read. Ten pages in I wished I hadn't.

They had sex. According to Chloe they had vanilla sex. Once again my masochism forced me to keep reading long after I should have stopped. She described the fall festival and the house as well as I could have and I was just there. The only difference was that the room Mr. Emery had as mine was his office and they shared the mastersuite. She could even describe the metal work above the bed. I felt sick to my stomach. It wasn't that she experienced it, it wasn't that apparently I wasn't that special it was that he lied to me.

Curiously absent from all of it was Colin, as well as any mention of Mr. Emery's family or past. I forced myself to power through the last of it though each and every time she said he kissed her or he told her I love you my stomach lurched and twisted itself into knots. I didn't cry. Somehow I managed to refrain from that as I turned page after page filled with the love affair I wanted. The worst part of it all was I couldn't even pretend he wasn't capable of closeness because I had glimpsed it while in Connecticut. He even asked her to be his slave, contrary to what he told me.

Even the thing with the baby was told in a different light, she said she miscarried and he blamed her for it and broke it all off after the engagement. I felt hot and sticky and wrong inside as I stood from the couch hours later. It was one in the morning and Mr. Emery wasn't home I picked up my phone to text him, but ultimately took it with me back into my bedroom where I stuffed the manuscript back in my purse. My mind was everywhere but I knew one thing—I had to take a bath or shower or something. I need to do something to calm myself. So I lit a bunch of candles, locked the door to the bathroom and drew a bath.

Once I slid into the warm water I sighed heavily and sunk below the water. Raising up I heard someone try the door not once, not twice but three times. Then he knocked.

Knock. Knock. Knock. I stared at the door. Knock. Knock. Knock. I should probably say something. Bang. Bang. Bang. The door lurched with every hit.

"Natalia? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just not feeling well. I think I'm coming down with something." I winced with my lie.

"Do you need tomorrow off?"

"No, I'll probably be fine enough but I might need to skip the run."

"All right. If you need anything I'll be upstairs. Even if you think I'm asleep don't hesitate."

"I won't."

"Good night, Natalia. Feel better." I heard his hand slide from the wood and his footsteps as he retreated from the door.

For a while I laid in the bath, but the moment I got out I wrapped myself in a towel and headed for the bedroom. The first thing I did was lock the door. Then I dug through my purse for Colin's card. For whatever reason my mind went to him before Chloe. For a while I stared at the screen on my phone before pressing send. Once I did I felt sick as I listened to the rings. He picked up after the first.

"Hello?" He didn't even sound sleepy in the slightest.

"Hey, Colin. It's Nat—"

"Natalia. To what do I owe this late night pleasure?"

"I just wanted to ask you a few question about Chloe."

"And why aren't you asking the woman herself?"

"Because it's two in the morning."

"Mm, point taken. Well ask away."

"Okay so... I just finished Chloe's book and there are somethings that are... troubling."

"Yeah, well Aid usually isn't particularly litigious."

"You were the one who said that he'd go all and I quote scorched earth on someone who screwed with his image."

"True, and I still stand by that one weekend of carebear Aid doesn't change that."

"So did she ever go to Holidays in Connecticut?"

"I don't know. She wasn't there when I was but I missed both Christmases, a thanksgiving and a fourth of July while they were together."


"Clo's also super close with her family so though I know for a fact she wasn't there while I was there that could have meant anything."

"Did you ever hear him tell her that he loves her?"

"Natalia..." He sighed.

"I just want to know" My voice cracked.

"No you don't."

"And that would be yes."

"Yes, okay. They were in love that's what people in love do."

"Did he..." I swallowed. "Did they kiss?"

"Yes. But you could have probably guess this."

"Were they engaged?"

"Not that I know."

"Okay... all right. What... what about her pregnancy?"

"I told you about that. I was in Europe either Paris or Bruges at the time. She was super evasive about it. Between you and me in my honest opinion I don't think she was actually pregnant. But I think she was afraid of losing him and really wanted to be."

"Why was she afraid of losing him? I mean they had this amazing bond."

"Because ultimatums and obligations are great ways to foster a loving relationship right? I love Clo to death. I've known her since she was practically a kid. Her mother ran the gallery where I did one of my first shows. But their relationship toward the end probably wasn't as rosy as she painted it. Shit that rosey doesn't end with lawyers being called and books written. I don't care how fucked up my brother is."

"I don't know what to do... I mean—" My voice broke.

"You could always try talking to him."


"Wow, that was quick. But seriously Natalia. You need to talk to him about this. I'm all for getting both sides opinions on things but all you have right now is what Clo put down and is saying is the truth. Is it the truth? Fuck if I know. But you need to talk to Aidan about it."

"How do I know if he's telling the truth."

"You can't. This is your leap of faith. I say talk to him about it. That's my two cents. However, if he calls me and asks about what we spoke about tonight I'm going to say art. Because yes he will call."

"How do you know?"

"Because that's who Aidan is. Seriously though, talk to him."

"I think I'm going to see about meeting with Chlo—"

"That's a dumb idea."

"Thanks. I'm going to let you go now. Enjoy the rest of your night." I hung up and stared at my reflection in the mirror on top of the dresser.

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