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It's in the calm when ambition creeps in and whispers
"YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS" and creates a storm
A storm of thoughts and ideas that keeps my mind processing
Suddenly I become unsatisfied with all I appreciate none
Everything I've worked for has turned into waste before me
I devise a new plan I start to strategize
I need more money...greed consumes me I am always hungry
A new career a new roof a new challenge so I can buy better things
So I can go to better places and get new things to taste and try
This is my curse.
The destruction of everything I once wanted
The pursuit of what I now claim will finally be enough to sustain me
This world will not cage me, it relies on my eyes not seeing the value
In the "smaller" things we lie awake in our Egyptian cotton sheets
Unsatisfied while others hug a cardboard box or share a bed with someone they love, happily
Brainwashed by the media...We think we know what it's all about
But by the time we figure it out
It's too late
This is our fate
Moving shadows

Nocturnal RamblingsWhere stories live. Discover now