Harry wants to Quit? Chapter 3

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The boys looked at Harry. "What? Why?" "I can't take the hate, the pressure, or the stress anymore." "Harry you can't quit one direction! The fans are counting on you!" "What fans...." Harry walked away. He checked his twitter and told everyone that he wants to quit and he couldn't believe how many people told him not to quit. They even trend "Harry Don't Quit" Harry was so touched and decided not to quit. Once he told the band and the fans everyone was so happy. The next night he saw a video of the person that made the embarressing video of him. She apologized and told everyone the truth and Harry was hate free. The End : )

Sorry it was bad and short lol, more better and loonger stories coming soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2012 ⏰

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