20. December

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"Hold on, everybody!"

Ashley screamed off of the top of her lungs as Jim, her, Hazel and Nick all kicked off and slid down the hill. Jim and Ashley had taken one sleigh while Nick and Hazel were strapped tight on the other. Down the hill they all went, snow flying everywhere and the brisk wind nibbling at their cheeks.

"AGAIN!" Ashley shrieked as they all came to a halt at the bottom. Hazel laughed and felt Nick squeeze her waist before helping her up. They all rose and watched Ashley race up the hill again, full of energy, running towards her mom who waited at the top with baby Michael in his stroller. She was waving and smiling back at them, happily.

"Let me help you drag that up," Hazel chuckled when Nick grabbed the reins to their sled and started pulling it up the hill. When she reached out to assist him, he took her mitten-covered hand instead and lifted it to his lips.

"I've got it," He assured her and kissed her hand with a little smile. His cheeks were tinted pink from the cold as well, but the sparkle in his eyes was what glowed the strongest. "I'm used to it."

"Is that so?" Hazel lifted a brow and watched him grin.

"We manufacture sleds just like these back north."

"Oh," Hazel couldn't say she was surprised. He had told her his company made toys, but she had just assumed they were the indoor kind. It appeared now they dabbled in a few different things, apparently.

They made it back up to the top again where Ashley was waiting excitedly for her father to drag their sled up as well. She was bouncing up and down next to Camille who was chuckling at Hazel. "Was it fun?"

"Yes, it was, and you're going next."

"What? No, I'm watching Michael," Camille hurriedly tried to excuse herself, but Hazel knew that wasn't happening. Her sister always did have a hard time letting go to have fun and this was going to be Hazel's sweet revenge.

"How about Nick watches Michael for a ride while you and Jim take the trip down?" She suggested.

"Oh, no, I wouldn't want to—"

"It's happening, honey," Jim said and wrapped an arm around his wife. "I'm sure Nick won't mind."

"Not one bit," Nick said and walked straight over to the baby stroller with a bright smile. Michael was napping, but cooed every now and then. "You two have fun."

Camille reluctantly looked up at her husband, then sighed when she realized she was outnumbered. "Alright... just a single ride then."

– And that's how all of them ended up taking turns to sled down the hill.

Hazel laughed as Nick and Ashley skidded down, then Ashley and Camille, then Camille and Nick. Even Jim and Nick took a turn together and ended up rolling over in the snow when their combined weights gave them too much speed down the slope. Everyone laughed as they staggered up the hill again, covered in snow. Jim chattered something about some of it going down the back of his pants.

Everyone was having the time of their lives, even Michael who woke up at some point and joined the party seemed to be enjoying the outdoors. Camille warmed up after a few rides as well and ended up taking several turns with Ashley and her husband. Something told Hazel it had been a long time since they had all had a family day out where she could participate. What with being highly pregnant the last few months and then giving birth.

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