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The world is illuminated by City lights and the starry heavens above.

The moonlight radiates an unseen calm and the ambience of the night echoes a song of unheard mystery.

It is then when we have brief encounters with our dreams and receive dreaded visits from the ghosts of our ghastly past.

Stargazing or star chasing?

White flickering dots on a blank black canvas with convoluted constellations and a deep dark beyond we desire to one day travel to.

Maybe Neverland has crossed our minds nevertheless.

Peter Pan or Peter Piper?

Are we hoping to fly away to a place where we can find solace or are we being coerced by the tune of this world flute?

Fantasy or reality?

Dreaming to be happy or being happy as a dreamer.

Internal conflict or inner peace... that's the curse of midnight.

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