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Yoshiki tipped one of his fingers on the table repeatedly.  

He stared over his book to the blue haired girl at the other side of the library. She had her hair divided in two pig tails. He didn’t know her, not even her name, but she reminded him of someone, but he couldn’t wrap his mind around who.He didn’t even come here to read anymore, he came here to see her, which sounds really stalker-ish.

“You know, you could just talk to her instead of stalking her like a creep.” His younger sister, Miki, said, dropping a few books on the table.

“I-I’m not stalking her.”

“Whatever makes you sleep at night.” He sighed. “What do you want me to do then? Just walk up to her, and say ‘Hi there, I’m Yoshiki and I come here every week to watch you from a distance.’”

Miki chuckled. “That is better than just doing it.”He sighed again and ran his hand through his hair. “Whatever, I’m going to put these away.” He muttered, grabbing a few of the books from the pile and walking to the back.

“Ow!”Yoshiki rubbed the back of his head, and looked at the person who he bumped into. It was that girl.

“I-I’m so sorry!” She stuttered. “I didn’t see where I was going.. Too much books..” “It’s okay.” He shot her a smirk. She smiled back. “I’m Ayumi Shinozaki.”

Her name also sounded familiar, but again, he couldn’t place it.

“Yoshiki Kishinuma.”

Ayumi started collecting the books she dropped.“Should I help you carry them, if they’re too much?”

“If you want to, I don’t exactly live nearby.”

“It’s no biggy.”


Once they stepped outside, Ayumi spoke up. “You know, this may sound stupid.. But I came here every week on the same time to take a glance at you..” she said, her cheeks matching the color of her red sweater. He chuckled. “You don’t know how good I understand you right now.” She giggled and started walking.

After walking outside for a while, Ayumi stopped track and rubbed her arms. “It’s chilly.” She muttered. “Good thing I have this with me.” She reached inside her bag, taking out a black jacket.

Yoshiki stopped walking. That jacket.

“Kishinuma?” Ayumi said, turning around.

“Y-your jacket..” he whispered, reaching out for it.

Upon touching it, all kinds of memories started to flow over him. From his problems with his parents, his meeting with Shinozaki and the Sachiko Ever After Charm..

“Shinozaki..” He said, slightly louder now.

The girl suddenly jumped forwards, wrapped her arms around his waist and started sobbing out of control.

“I-I thought I lost you forever..” she said in between hiccups. “I don’t know why I remember all the stuff that happened in Heavenly Host.. I really don’t..”

He was shocked by the sudden hug, but wrapped his arms around her anyway, patting her back.

“I never wanted to die.. I didn’t want to leave you behind..” He whispered in her ear.

“I seriously thought I’d never see you again..” she said again, getting a hold of her tears. “I felt terrible.. I treated you terrible while you died protecting me until the end..”

“I have regrets too..” he muttered. “I regret never telling you how I feel.. Never telling you how much I love you..”

Ayumi broke away from the hug and looked at him, a slight blush raising to her cheeks, and after that they both started leaning in closer, until their lips made contact. Ayumi stood on her tip-toes, trying to equal the height difference between them, and wrapped her arms around his neck, while Yoshiki put his arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

It just felt right; The spark that ignited from the kiss, the emotions fluttering in her chest, and the painfully good feeling of breathlessness in they both had in their lungs.

Finally, they pulled away for air, and Ayumi went to lean against his chest.

“I love you, Ayumi.” He muttered.


Her heart skipped a beat after hearing him say her first name.

“I know.” She whispered just loud enough to hear. “I love you too.”

I Thought I Lost You ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now