Chapter 7

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"Welcome home, John!"

As the hands that covered his eyes pulled away, he saw just how many of people were here in his apartment waiting for him.

He had been discharged from the hospital this morning, and was finally home. Well, almost home. It didn't feel quite right without Yoko there, but for the moment, he had to put those thoughts to rest. Paul had finally reached the authorities a couple days ago, and they told him what everyone already knew: Yoko was still being questioned, no evidence could be revealed over the phone, all of that bureaucratic bullshit.  However, they did say they would contact John at the end of the "investigation period."

And today was supposed to be that day.

John had wanted nothing more than to wait, all day if he had to, sitting by the telephone to be sure he didn't miss the call. But Paul had convinced him to relax and get comfortable in his own home again, rather than getting sick from the anxiety of waiting. What Paul didn't mention was that there would be a party to welcome him back. And he didn't mention that it would be full of his colleagues and fellow musicians, each one likely wanting to ask how he was and yak on about where they were when they heard the news. So much for relaxing and getting comfortable.

However, John had to smile as he looked around the room, seeing so many faces that he almost never saw again. All of the Beatles' wives and children were there, except for Cynthia and Yoko. His apartment looked like the star-studded parties he had gone to in the late 60's.  Bob Dylan, Jagger and the Stones, David Bowie, Eric Clapton, Pete Townshend and The Who...

The Who. He looked to see if John Entwistle had come, and had no problem finding the tall, hulking bass player. He had a message to deliver to him. John hadn't quite decided yet if his dream was caused by the drugs, or if he really talked to all of those people in the afterlife. He felt like an absolute bloody lunatic, but a feeling in his gut was telling him to talk to Entwistle before he left.

"There he is lads!" Ringo called out, motioning to John melodramatically, as if he were a TV show host. "John Winston Ono Lennon, in the flesh!"

John sheepishly waved to everyone as they erupted into cheers and applause, almost dreading the thought of all of these people wanting to talk to him. It was like they all wanted a piece of him, and he didn't feel he had enough pieces to give at the moment. A few of his closer friends walked up and gave him hugs, which he appreciated, but he just wanted to get away from everything at the moment.

Turning to nudge Paul, John whispered to him. "I don't feel quite like being social at the moment. Can I talk to you alone for a minute?"

Giving him an understanding look, Paul nodded and motioned for John to lead the way. They made their way to John's bedroom, and Paul shut the door behind them. John took a seat on the edge of the bed, and Paul sat gingerly next to him.

"What's up mate? A little overwhelmed out there?"

"You could say that," John grumbled sarcastically. "They're like vultures. They're my friends, but they're like bloody vultures at the moment. All wanting to swoop in and pick at me, I can feel it. I know they mean well, but I don't know if I'm ready for this sort of excitement yet."

Paul sighed deeply. "I'm sorry, I knew this many people might have been a bad idea. I just thought, more people would be more of a distraction to kinda get your mind off this whole mess. Plus, they had all been calling to find out about you, so I had a hard time not inviting all of them."

 "Well, I appreciate it Paulie, I really do. I'm just scared for Yoko today. Do... Do any of them know what's going on?"

Paul nodded his head sadly. "I'm sorry if you didn't want me to. I just didn't want them all pestering you with questions about her all afternoon. They were all respectful enough about it, agreeing that they wouldn't mention it unless you did. So I'm sorry if that was wrong."

December 9, 1980 [ABANDONED]Where stories live. Discover now