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“Kishinuma-kun, wake up!”

It sounded distant.

“Kishinuma, please!” The distant voice broke.

Yoshiki slowly opened his eyes, and he felt a sharp pain going through his head the second they were opened. His vision was blurry for a second, but after blinking a few times, he saw Ayumi. She was wearing  his jacket, he didn’t recall giving it, but that didn’t matter. A few stripes of blood where on her face, and tears were glittering in her eyes.

“Shinozaki?” he tried to reach out, but flinched at the sharp pain that ran through his waist. He glanced down and saw his white shirt drenched in blood. “Don’t move.” She said. “It will only get worse..” He tried to remember what happened, but the pain in his head was unbearable. “Hang in there, Kishinuma-kun..” the blue haired girl whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. “Nakashima and Mochida are heading to the infirmary.. Just hang in there..”

“What.. happened?” Yoshiki mumbled. “You were attacked by an anatomic model..” Ayumi replied, still talking on the same volume.

A sharp pain shot through his waist again, and he coughed. Looking at his hands, he saw that he coughed up blood. Ayumi saw it too, and gave a small squeeze in his other hand. He turned his head in order to look at her face, but as soon as he did, the banging pain in his head returned and his vision blurred, until it was totally black in front of his eyes.

“Kishinuma-kun!” Ayumi’s voice broke, and Yoshiki felt tears dripping on his hand. He tried to say something, but no words came out of his mouth. He felt Ayumi grab his arm. “Don’t die on me, Kishinuma!”

He stopped feeling her hands around his arm. He started drifting off.


Ayumi kept calling his voice, but it sounded more and more distant every time, until he couldn’t hear anything at all.


shit happens. << ayumi, naomi, and satoshi escape. (main game moment)

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