Chapter Six

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I opened the door with my mini belly that decided to grow over night. I stepped through the door and placed my keys on the little table in the hallway of Louis' and Harry's flat. I shrugged my sweater off. It was chilly in September, especially if you lived in Chicago. I walked through the little hallway as I went to settle the bags of groceries on the island in the kitchen. I couldn't stop thinking of yesterday and of Jesse's sudden arrival. Did he really think I'd leave Harry for him? I shuddered as I thought of the horrifying idea. On the way home yesterday, Harry wouldn't talk to me. He gave me my space to think about the past with Jesse. All those times he left me alone and abandoned on all those dates. I shook my head and smiled. Harry never missed one. He was always there fifteen minutes early and always did as promised. Sure, he had cold feet but I knew he changed when I caught him reading the book Alex gave him. I heard a crash and giggling as I sat down. I sighed, I just got comfy! Huffing, I got up and walked into the living room where I found my bestfriend, Elizabeth, pinned under Niall. They were murmuring things to eat other when Niall kissed her. Elizabeth returned the kiss, slightly shifting to wrap her arms around Niall's neck. I saw the kiss deepen before I cleared my throat. They both jumped up and looked at me. I walked over.

"That," I pointed to them, "leads to this." I, then, pointed to my tummy. Elizabeth blushed and Niall turned beet red.

"Hey, Bell." Elizabeth rubbed her arm and then twirled her hair, nervously. She stared at me with big brown eyes, telling me she didn't start it.

"Liz." I smiled. She stood up and I pulled her into a hug. She drew out a breath and held me.

"How's the tummy?" She asked, smiling. I shrugged.

"Bigger." My eyes darted to Niall.

"Why are you here again?" I asked, crossing my arms. He stood up and smiled.

"Awwh, come on Belly, you can't be mad at me for kissing your friend." His Irish accent a little nervous and shaking. I smiled and looked at Liz.

"I expect you to take her on a date, my girl isn't a hit and quit, Nialler." I said. He blushed red and scratched the back of his head.

"I-I was gonna ask her when things turned to more and..." He trailed off. I smirked and walked out but not before calling out, "That's what they all say!"

I walked to Harry's room and gently opened the door. I glanced inside and saw him sprawled on the bed, on foot off the edge, his mouth wide open, and an arm hanging off with Louis curled up next to him. I smiled at the two and took a picture of the two and uploaded it on Facebook.

'My two favorite men sleeping! xD' I tagged them both and headed back to the kitchen, gently closing the door. I saw Niall on the couch with an arm drapped around Elizabeth.

"Guys, go out. I'll be okay, all alone and abandoned!" I exasperated. They looked at me and rolled their eyes. I smiled at my bestfriends. Elizabeth was my bestfriend since kindergarten when she was being picked on. I hit all her bullies and we've been inseparable since. She had tall long legs and beautiful red curly hair. She had brown deer like eyes that made her look completely adorable. She was preppy and super huggable. I always called her when I needed some to hug. She was also completely in love with Niall. Ever since they met, they called and texted each other. I always told her she'd end up getting married to Niall, but she always waved me off. Now look at them, making out on my couch.

I mean, Harry's.

"You sure babe?" She asked. She was worried about me since I told her that Jesse was back. I nodded my head and smiled.

"Louis and Harry are here. I'll be fine Liz." I smiled at her. She stood up with Niall on her arm. She came over and hugged me. She let go and I walked her to the door.

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