What I Eat In a Day

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This is what I ate today:

Breakfast: 2 pieces of whole grain bread with almond butter. Side of blueberries, strawberries, and kiwi (about 2 cups of them mixed)

Pre-work out: Greek yogurt with granola

Post-work out: protein bar with a banana

Lunch: this delicious salad recipe I found https://www.elizabethrider.com/health-coach-cobb-salad/

Dinner: this fried rice recipe!!!!   https://gimmedelicious.com/2017/09/20/quick-healthy-15-minute-stir-fry-chicken-and-veggies/   and 2 cups of milk

I workout at a moderate intensity and I'm trying to build muscle so I eat at a slight calorie surplus. If you workout less you don't need as much, if you workout more, then you'd need more.

I try to include every group everyday. Grains (like rice and bread) at lunch or dinner. I eat fruit in the mornings or at night as a desert. I'd recommend including veggies at every meal.

If you have any questions or want any advice, you can ask them in the comments. :)

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