Chapter 1 The Party

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"Its about time you showed up" Susan screeched as I made my way through the crowd. "what took you so long." my best friend Cain asked after I shoved my way around some random guy.

"Traffic was a mess" I stated, looking around I realized that I wasn't the only werewolf at this party. A uneasy feeling settled in when one of the wolves turned and looked at me. Thankfully the house the party was being held at was in human territory, if any wolf decided I was unwanted this close to their pack lands they couldn't shift.

The pack I was referring to was called the Raising Moon Pack. They didn't take new wolves near their lands lightly. Before the wolf could walk towards me Cain interrupted with a big hug which caught me off guard. Looking back to see the wolf I came to a realization that he was gone. Not thinking more of the subject any farther I walked to get a drink.

"Hey cutie" a husky voice called from behind as I reached for my drink. I turned to the all to familiar voice "Jackson, I see you made it to the party" I greeted. Jackson and I had been friends since the first grade he was pretty cool other than the fact he was a man hoe. But to be honest he was very hot, dark brown eyes, black hair, and a smile that could make any girl melt.

"Haha had to get past the parents first" he stated "But yea, um would you like to I don't know dance?" he finished with a shy smile. "Its not like I'll can say no is it?" . We made our way to the packed dance floor.


six songs and two drinks later I was exhausted as I was about to step away from the mass of grinding bodies a low growl to quiet for the human ear caught my attention.

Well how was it? This is my first story and I'm not that really confident well and ways with school starting back I may update once or twice a week

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hey guys um I was wondering if u think I should continue with this or just give up on this one

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