Walking out of the Darkness

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To walk in the Darkness is worse than Death itself.
There is no hope.
Fallen angels fight over me.
No person on earth to believes me,
to help me,
to understand me,
to bear with me.
Terrors have been turned against me.
To die is to have hope.
God has abandoned me.
God why have you forsaken me?
How my heart weeps.
I can not bear to live without You God.
While I walk in Darkness, death will never come.
Death alludes me. 
His staff and rod are nowhere to be found.
I am Hopeless,
I am Orphaned,
I am separated from God.
My soul aches for relief,
but instead there is
and gnashing of teeth.
My hope is dead.
full of sorrow.
I am Empty,
My spirit is worn to the bone.
I long for death,
but death would be hope.
There is no hope.
Just emptiness,
A soul give over to Satan
so I may be saved.
So I may have hope again.
To have Faith again.
All this so I may  taste darkness.
Separated from God.
For the Glory of God.
Blessed I am to be given the gift of walking in darkness.
A sweet gift of hopelessness, so a time later I may walk in  light.
I do not fear the darkness.
Light has dawned on me.
There is no more gloom.
Light shines in the darkness.
God has redeemed me.
He has plucked me out darkness.
I fear not the one who can kill the flesh,
But the one who can destroy soul.
The LORD is a light to me.
Peace and Glory to Christ Jesus who is "I AM".
He is I AM.
When I cry out,
out to Jesus,
Jesus answers I AM.
I AM anything and everything you need in this world and for Eternity.
Blessed I am.
Praise the LORD
For I was in the dark
And now I AM one with the Light.

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