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       A scream escaped my lips as I fell. Though it wasn't out of fear. It was thrilling to fall freely, to not know what was going to stop me. Sure, it may seem crazy but feeling the air rush past me—whipping my hair out of my face and behind me—it's amazing.
Then it hurts. A stinging sensation spreads across my arms, legs and back. It's a net. They have a net at the bottom. And like the girl before me, I too laugh. Not loud, no, just a quiet exhale of a laugh. And then the arms appear, stretched out to help me down. I grab the one closest to me and find that the person who helped me out is a young man, not much older than me.
"What is your name?" He asks.
I hesitate. Do I want to be know by the name I grew up as in Candor?
"You can change it, but only once. So chose wisely."
I nodded. "Madeline, my name is Madeline." Yes, I do.
"Second jumper—Madeline!" And a crowd erupts in cheer.
I get down and stand near the first jumper. Not approaching her just yet but waiting for the rest to join us. And soon enough, everyone is standing her in solid ground.
The guy who helped me down and another girl, Lauren, lead us down a long and narrow tunnel. It's dark for the most part and I'm careful not to step or bump into anyone except my brother. He keeps me close to him. Jordan is walking slightly in front of me with two of Peter's friends from Candor, Molly and Drew, behind us. I never liked them for many reasons but my brother does so I wasn't going to say anything.
Eventually, we stop and stumble a bit from the suddenness. "This is where we split. Dauntless born come with me. I assume you won't need a tour of the place."
The Dauntless born leave us which happen to be the majority of the group. There are 11 of us—one Abnegation and no Amity meaning the rest of us are either Erudite or Candor.
"I work in the control room most of the time, but for the next few weeks I am your instructor," the guy leading us says. "My name is Four."
A girl in the front who I recognize as Christina is the first to ask, "Four? Like the number?"
She was in some of my classes in school but I never talked to her due to her obvious distaste for my brother. I can't really blame her, he does some awful things but he's still my brother.
"Yes, is there a problem?" Four inquires.
       "Good. We're about to enter the Pit, which, eventually, you'll love. It—"
       Christina snickers. "The Pit? Clever name."
       Even for Candor she talks too much, though that could just be me.
       Four walks to Christina and leans his face close to hers. For a second he just stares at her and I shift uncomfortably at the tense silence.
       "What's your name?" He quietly asks.
       "Christina," she squeaks out.
       "Well, Christina, if I wanted to listen to you Candor smart-mouths, I would've joined their faction." He hisses. "The first lesson you'll learn from me is the keep you mouth shut. That goes for all of you, got it?"
       Four scans the crowd and his eyes land on my brother and eye, daring us to respond. I press into Peter's side in attempt to make myself smaller. But the crowd begins to move again so he gently pushes me forward. We walked through a pair of double doors into the Pit.
       The name suits the place. It's a underground cavern so vast I can't see the other end. The walls are uneven and of rock that rise so high it must be several stories tall. In the walls are areas for clothing, food, supplies, etc. Narrow paths and steps of rock connect everything but because there are no rails, one step will send you over the edge.
       There is a glass pane above us as a roof, allowing light in. Of course there are still lights down here but they're blue and get brighter as the sunlight fades.
        I see people everywhere, all dressed in black and talking or shouting; all having a good time. They're chaotic and crazy but their free and happy, it's beautiful yet dangerous. I can't help but stare in awe at the surrounding characteristics that make up my new home.
"Now, if you follow me," Fours says, "I'll show you the chasm."
We walk to the right side of the Pit when it gets darker. I can't see much but I felt the difference in the floor when it changed. Of course, I just about tripped so Peter decided to it was best to pull me even closer to him. Eventually, the roar of water could be heard below us. This must be the chasm.
"The chasm is a reminder. It reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy!" Four shouts. "A daredevil jump will get you killed. It has happened before and it will happen again. This was your warning."
I whimpered as the cold spray from the water hit my legs. Four led us through a hole in the wall and into the.. the dining hall! Yes, food! Walking through the entrance the rest of dauntless applaud our arrival. They shout and stomp until their noise is all I hear. I smile up at Peter and see him grinning down at me. Jordan smirks and lets out a laugh before shoving me to a table.
I sit between her and Peter but across from Christina, Tris, and Four. We immediately grab some burgers and I put cheese on mine. Peter and Jordan add other stuff but I like mine pretty much plain. She gawks at me whilst Peter just rolls his eyes, used to my behavior.
"You don't?"
"Nope." Peter answers, shaking his head.
"She's weird that way, no real reason just does. No questions, please." He practically begged the last part. I giggled.
The doors open and everyone falls silent. I look up and see a young man walking in. He seems to be only a few years older than me. His hair is dark and slicked back and he has many piercings on his face. He's handsome, yes but the look is his eyes is cold and threatening.
Christina hisses, "Who is that?"
And I wonder the same thing. Who is he?
"His name is Eric, and he is a Dauntless leader." Four says.
"What?" I ask incredulously. "He's so young."
"Age doesn't matter here, Madeline." Four gives me this look that I can't quite pin down.
Eric starts walking toward our table and takes a seat next to Four. No one says anything, so I do to be polite.
"Hi," I say quietly, "I'm Madeline."
He nods at me, a small smile playing at his lips. "Well, hello, Madeline."
He turns to Fours and jerks his head to Tris and Christina. "Aren't you going to introduce me?"
Four stares at me in a curious way but answers him, "This is Tris and Christina."
I shift under his gaze but smile shyly at him. He finally looks away when Eric comments. "Ooh, a stiff. Let's see how long you last."
Eric continues a conversation with Four. He acts like their friends but Four is too tense. His shoulders drawn with a firm stance. What is up with them?
Eric gets up to leave but hesitated and turns back, his eyes landing on me. "See you around, Madeline."
I nod and keep my eyes down. Peter pulls me as close to him as possible and Jordan is right next to me, each glaring at the young leader.
* * * * * * * * * *
       After we eat, Four disappears and Eric leads us down multiple hallways without telling us our destination. The ground is uneven with a blue light hanging every 10 feet. The darkness doesn't help me keep my balance so I stumble, a lot.
       We stop in front of a wooden door and gather in a loose circle around Eric. "For those of you who don't know, my name is Eric. I am one of the five leaders of Dauntless. We take the process of initiation very seriously which is why I volunteered to oversee your training."
       Oh god, a leader is gonna see us train? "There are a few ground rules. First, you have to be in the training room by eight o'clock every day. Training happens from eight to six, with a break for lunch. After six you can do whatever you like. You will also have time off from training at the end of each stage of initiation. You can only leave the compound when accompanied by a Dauntless."
       But he isn't done, Eric continues. "Behind this door is where you will be sleeping for the next few weeks. You'll notice there are twelve beds and only eleven of you;we expected more of you to make it this far. Anyway I'm the first stage you and the dauntless born are kept separate but that doesn't mean you are evaluated separately. At the end of initiation, you rankings will be compared to the dauntless born. They are already better than you so I—"
       "Rankings?" Asks a girl closer to the front. "Why are we ranked?"
       Eric smiles but in the blue light it looks cruel.
       "You are ranked for two reasons: the first is the order you can select a job after initiation, the second is because only the top ten Uniates are made members."
      Oh no. No no no no no, no. I stumble back as if someone punched me. I won't make it. No. I reach for Peter and try to steady my breathing.
       "What?" Christina asks.
       "There are eleven dauntless born and eleven of you. Four initiates are cut at the end of each stage and the rest will be cut after the final test."
       "What do we do if we're cut?" Peter asks, keeping me close and rubbing my arm to calm me.
       "You leave the compound," Eric says indifferently, "and live factionless."
       Molly pipes up this time. "That's not fair! If we had known—"
       "Are you saying if you had know you would've chosen differently at the ceremony?" Eric snaps and I flinch at the harshness in his tone. "Because if so, get out now. If your really one of us the possibility of failing won't matter. And if if does, you're a coward."
       He pushed open he door to the dormitory open. "You chose us," he says. "Now it's our turn to choose you."
                           • • • • • • • • • •
Hey guys! Chapter two whoo hoo! I know Madeline seems really shy and timid and dependent on her brother now but it's because she is in a new environment, her true personality will show soon enough. Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving! Please don't forget to comment what you think and vote!
Love you all


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