A Serious Author's Note

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Hey guys, so I have something to tell you and I hope you understand.

Since I was 12 or 13 (I'm now 18 turning 19 on the 28th of November)  I have been dealing with depression and anxiety. I didn't realize what it was back then and over time it has gotten worse only because I neglected to get help even after I realized what I was going through. I was in denial to the fact that I needed help. In the end it broke me down and I stressed so much it made me sick.

Yes, those times I said I was sick, it was from depression and anxiety. It crippled me. I didn't eat or sleep. I was throwing up and have cold sweats through the night. I couldn't focus and unfortunately had suicidal thoughts. I was weak and spent time in the hospital because of it.

I haven't forgotten about you but I've been trying to get myself back on track. I miss being your author but I'm not in the mental state to come up with anything right now.

Aside from explaining my absence I want to tell you guys that if you're going through anything similar or exactly the same to please get help.


It's not normal but it's okay. Talk to someone. Anyone who will listen and not judge. I hid my feelings for years because I was afraid of the judgement I would get or I was afraid people will call me crazy or over dramatic and in the end I hurt myself worse by not getting help.

I was afraid they'd give me pills and I didn't want to take medication to feel something that I'm supposed to feel naturally.

I just wish all of you the best and if you're suffering from anything to please talk to someone. Even if you have to talk to me. I'll do my best to reply to everyone. Talk to a friend or a close family member and if that doesn't help then talk to a professional. There's nothing wrong with helping yourself.

I love you guys sooo much and hopefully you'll hear from the Dexter's soon  

- M ❤️

Carter Dexter -The Dexter Children's Series[Lesbian stories(Kinda)]Where stories live. Discover now