Meeting him

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" Mom, what are you doing?" I asked my Mom one morning. It was her weekend. My parents are divorced, and my mom and dad switch every other weekend. 

" Well Izzy I'm dating online. And right now I'm dating this Guy named Joseph. He's really nice, would you like to talk to him? "

"yeah sure. Hi Joseph. How are you? "

"I'm good. What's your name? "

" Isabella." bad idea Izzy. never tell a stranger your name.

" That's a nice name Isabella. Go play, I'm gonna talk to your mom, OK?"

" OK bye. Hey mom can I have some ice cream?" 

" Yes, Izzy you can. And ask your siblings if they want some to, OK?"

" Yes mom." I hate sharing with my siblings. I am the oldest of 4 kids. The kid tree goes like this. Me=11, Emily=9, Cardon=7 and Jacalyn= 5. My Family meens my life to me. If I didn' t have them I think I would die. 

 I went out side to where the kids were playing and pretended that I asked them. All the ice cream, all to my self. Yah!

Mom bought Joseph a plane ticket three weeks later, then got married 8 days later. It all happend really fast I didn't have time to think. After they got married, It turns out that he was cheating on my mom and they were married. I think thats just wrong in my oppinion. 

A few months had passed since the marrage of joseph and my mom gone by and he has earned Emily, Jacalyn, and Cardins trust. But, something inside of me says that he is not a good man.

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