Chapter 2

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A blaring noise startled me out of my sleep. With my eyes closed, I stretched out a fist and mashed the snooze button on my alarm clock. Blinking through various eye substances, I peered at the time.

Six thirty! Shoot, I was supposed to wake up at six to start on my makeup! Seeing the time was like consuming an energy drink, and the next thing I knew, I was out of bed and throwing on the clothes I had set out last night.

Ignoring the mess of my bed, I plodded to the restroom to splash cold water on my face. When I peered at my reflection, a girl with crazy poofy met my stare, her almond eyes narrowed against the light. I peered closer and noticed a blackhead on the side of my nose. It was nothing a little makeup couldn't cover. 

  I seemed to move at hyper speed as I simultaneously straightened my hair and applied mascara to my curled up eyelashes. When I moved on to highlight and blush, I heard a knock on my door.

"Alisa?" My mama's voice was in the room. She and Dad never asked permission to come into our rooms. "Are you almost ready? I hope you plan on making up that bed!"

"Yes ma'am!" I hollered back. "Could you help me with the back of my head?"

She opened the door, the clack of her heels louder on the tiled floor. Her hair was slicked back into a curly ponytail, and her face was bright with light makeup. Without a word, she took the iron and began straightening the back of my head.

"Jaquel is driving you to school, right?"

"Yes ma'am." She handed me back the iron, running her fingers through my now-straight hair to detangle it.

"Finish up in here and then come downstairs to eat breakfast. I don't want you going to school hungry on your first day."

"But it's okay for me to go to school hungry on other days?" She winked and then disappeared in a cloud of fruity smelling perfume.

   Finally finished with my personal appearance, cleaning up my room and bathroom took almost no time. It helps when you don't have to share it with your younger siblings.

Pocketing my favorite pair of silver hoops, I slung my pack over one shoulder, grabbed my phone and charger in the other hand, and bounded downstairs. The smell of bacon, eggs and freshly baked bread greeted me as I entered the kitchen. My siblings were already there, which was a first, considering how they all have to share a bathroom. Cyrus was dressed in baggy jeans, a white shirt and a cool looking green jacket. He looked as if he just stepped out of a fashion catalogue. Theodore was dressed the exact opposite, with neatly pressed black pants and a crisp blue button up. He was the model image of a young corporate owner.

Macy was in her usual get up of a regular pair of jeans and a boring T-shirt. She never liked dressing up because of the attention it gets her. Even with her dull clothing, one couldn't miss her apparent beauty. Her cheeks had a natural rosiness, and her lips were berry colored. None of her natural features needed to be enhanced with makeup, because they were already perfect. At least, until you see the faint scar by the corner of her eye. She never told me how she got it, and when I used to bring it up, it always had made her upset. She glanced up at me, her egg, cheese and bacon croissant sandwich halfway finished.

"Where'd you buy those jeans? They're nice," she asked appreciatively, eyeing the rips that might have been a tad too big.

"It was a birthday gift," I said, snagging an untouched sandwich. "Lya bought them for me."

The orange juice was almost finished, so I mixed the rest with the new carton of apple juice. I sat next to Macy at the marble counter. The twins were helping Mama clean up the kitchen, Cyrus washing the dishes while Theodore dried them and put them up.

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