Engagement And Catching Those Reads Pt. 1

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Buckle in pals, this chapter is going to have a lot of different points that need to be touched on.

So you wanna get some reads, huh? You wanna get some clicks on your story to feel better about yourself, is that it? You think your story is good enough to be in the big leagues, but don't understand why it just doesn't seem to be working out?

Lucky you, I've got some pointers.

I want you guys to look at this picture right here because we're going to use it as a reference for these next few pointers. It's a confidential screenshot of some of my statistics for one of my books.

There are, as you probably know, three different sections for statistics on any of your works: overview, engagement, and demographics

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There are, as you probably know, three different sections for statistics on any of your works: overview, engagement, and demographics. These are all going to come in handy for everyone no matter how many reads you get.

I've got some pretty decent numbers going for me, I will admit that. I won't act like I'm not a little bit egocentric because of that. But to first understand why you want those numbers to go up you should first get a grip for what these statistics actually mean for your story as a whole.

Comments and votes are pretty self-explanatory. The ranking of your story is going to be affected much more based on the votes as opposed to comments. From what I've noticed to be true in my stories at least one in every ten or fifteen readers is going to vote. Others just don't care enough about the author doing well to vote. So don't be discouraged at all when your vote count is much lower than your comments or your reads, because the amount of voters you get compared to your reads doesn't necessarily reflect the quality of the story. Oftentimes people either forget that they can vote or don't take the time to support the story.

Now your "Unique Readers" is something that I find is very important to pay attention to. There's a large difference between how many unique readers you have every day and how many reads you have together as a whole. Unique readers are just the count of readers who have clicked on your story and read through some of it. Your entire reads count is going to be based off of every read that you get per chapter. A lot of writers don't pay much attention to this difference because of the general assumption that unique readers accounts for every single read that they got during that time period when this certainly isn't the case.

To put it into broader terms your the amount of unique reads you have could be around 20 while the actual amount of reads that you gained that day could be more like 300 all dependent on how many chapters you have and how many chapters those unique readers read.

I just used unique, reads, and readers in so many different sentences.

Now that we understand the difference between unique reads and actual reads let's get a little bit more into engagement.

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