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Dear Softies,

The judge has decided. The prizes are ready. The winners are known. In case you forgot what the prizes were:

Every first place winner will receive:
- A full review by the judges
- A golden sticker for on their book cover
- A permanent spot in our Winners reading list
- A follow

Every second place winner will receive:
- A full review by the judges
- A silver sticker for on their book cover

Every third place winner will receive:
- A bronze sticker for on your book cover

I'm so sorry if this took too long! Unfortunately, there was a bit of a misunderstanding with me and the other judges, so I ended up having to read and judge all of your stories on my own, which caused a bit of a delay, seeing as I wanted to be fair

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I'm so sorry if this took too long! Unfortunately, there was a bit of a misunderstanding with me and the other judges, so I ended up having to read and judge all of your stories on my own, which caused a bit of a delay, seeing as I wanted to be fair. I just want to tell everyone who participated, thank you! All of you are so talented and have a way with words and in every category again, it was so hard for me to make a top three (sometimes I really had to put away my phone and just think for a few moments because it was that hard).

All the eventual winners have been chosen fairly. I didn't look at who wrote the story, so if you were cozying up to me trying to win me over, it was for nothing. Sorry.

Even if you didn't win today, know that you're an astonishing writer and keep writing, always. You guys have too much talent to give it up. Hit me up when you're published, okay? I'll make you rich.

Now, I know you guys are excited to find out whether or not you won, so without further ado:

 Now, I know you guys are excited to find out whether or not you won, so without further ado:

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🥇 First place winner: The Portrait of Evienne by @JadedElegance !

Your writing is eloquent and captivating in every way and flawlessly pulls the reader into Evienne's world, offering realistic and astonishing details about everything and everyone in her world. It's like your work isn't fiction, but rather a piece of real history with which you're educating us. It takes much talent to write historical fiction and make it interesting, easy to follow and captivating.

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