1. All the ages alone

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In a snow-covered courtyard, a lone figure can be seen kneeling in the snow.
It does not matter how heavy the snowfall or how bad the wind blows, the figure reminds steadfast in their ways.

Another figure approaches holding an oil paper umbrella and kneels down next to the person in the snow. The person looks up when they hear the crunching of the gravel and snow. Her lifeless brown eyes showing disappointment when she realizes the one who has arrived is not him.

“Hongmei, what are you doing out here? Do you know how much trouble you will be in when he finds out?

“Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself, Changming.”

She looks at Changming, who is shivering in the winter air. And she wonders why... Why a mortal who will fade went the time comes...Who is know for their greedy and dishonorable nature? With a sigh, She unfurls doupeng and drapes it over changming.

“You already kneel here for three days and three nights. He is a mortal, his life is only a speck of ours. Is he worth the sacrifice?”

Changming sways slightly, before righting herself again. Her lips white with fatigue. Her body bowing from the howling wind and freezing snow. She shrugs off the doupeng that Hongmei has dropped onto her shivering body.

“Do you know to us celestial that live in nine heavens, an hour is a day down there. A day for us is a year for them,” she says. 

She touches the yeopei that is hanging off her belt with a wistful smile that's filled with sweet longing.

“Hong-mei, meeting him was an accident, falling in love was unexpected. Choosing to be his wife is a choice that I don't regret,” she says.

“You spend a thousand year cultivating and you going to just give it all up just to save his life. why?” Hongmei asks with a worried look.

“Maybe this is yuanfen,” Changming says with a sad smile that is filled with painful longing.

The sounds of the door opening can be heard. It sounds more like thunder in the night that is devoid of noise. It echoes through the courtyard like a howling wind. Silhouetted by light stands a tall imposing figure. His face as cold as the storm that froze the river.  His eyes devoid of emotion they resemble icicles. His long black hair held back by a ribbon is a like obsidian curtain against his light blue hanfu.

Walking down the steps towards to kneeling figures, he stops in front of hongmei and stares her down.

Hongmei turns to get up from her kneeling position when the sound of the door opening is echoed through the courtyard. With her heart in her throat, she realizes he has finally come out. She immediately kneels down on one knee, holding her hand in front of her. She cast her head down.

“Kunlun, my lord,” she says. “ It's cold. please put on a doupeng.”

Kunlun stares at the cowering young women in front of him. She deliberately disobeys him and comes out to comfort Changming.

“Hongmei when did I give you permission to come out and comfort this fool,” he asks.

“You did not my lord. Your words were you don't care if the fool dies.” Hongmei answers with her eyes lower.

All while feeling the full weight of Kunlun stare, she shivers despite the fact her doupeng is lined with fur to keep her warm. She can feel his piercing glaze all the way to her soul.

“Kunlun I have not seen you in four years you have not changed.” Changming  says.”You are just as I remember.”

Kunlun looks down at the kneeling figure on the ground. Changming looking very pitiful with her hair in disarray. Her clothes wet from the snowfall. Kneeling and shivering in the cold.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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