Chapter Eighteen

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"What did you want to talk about, Keith?" Shiro asked when they reached the rock. They were seated on the flat surface of the top, watching as everyone else played and talked. Lance was showing the twins how he could turn from mermaid to human, laughing at their jaws in the sand. Mrs. McClain and Coran were talking amongst themselves, while Allura and Veronica were talking while Allura showed Veronica her tail.

"About the witch that hurt Lance," Keith said, looking straight at his father. Shiro immediately clammed up at that, refusing to look at his son.

"Why?" he asked, "She's dead now, isn't she?"

"Yes, but she said that you killed her husband,"

Shiro deflated, still looking at the others. He didn't want to look at Keith's eyes, not wanting to see whatever emotion they held.

"You never told me," Keith said, angling his head to look Shiro in the eye.

Shiro sighed, picking at a stray pebble on the rock, trying to take his mind off of the conversation he was being forced into. "I didn't want you to think any less of me," he said after a minute, finally looking Keith in the eyes.

However, instead of the anger or hurt he thought the violet orbs would hold, they were only hard with determination. "I don't think any less of you," Keith said, "I'm glad you got revenge on the one who hurt Adam,"

And just like that, they were sharing a hug, tears flowing from their eyes as they thought of Adam. Shiro cried more than Keith, finally being able to let out some of the emotion he held inside as the thoughts of the days he spent with Adam floated through his mind. The days they used to swim through the seaweed near the edge of the beach, trying to catch each other. The one time Shiro tried to cook Adam something for breakfast, but almost made the castle kitchen explode. All the memories flowed and made Shiro cry almost as hard as the night he died.

"It's okay," Keith whispered, "I miss him, too,"

"I know," Shiro said, composing himself as fast as he could, "but I also know that you're gonna have something just like we had," He glanced back at where the others were and saw Lance swimming with the twins. Keith sighed and nodded, but shoved Shiro anyway. He fell into the water with a loud splash, earning a laugh from his son.

"Why'd you do that?" Shiro laughed, "We were having a bonding moment,"

"I can't show my soft side!" Keith shouted back, turning human and jumping into the water, "I gotta stay tough!"

He quickly splashed some water into Shiro's face and dashed off, turning merman and slicing through the water. Shiro laughed and chased after him.

That night, the whole group, including the rest of Lance's family, was on the beach and surrounded by a campfire. The adults were seated near the sea, talking about the things parents do when they think they're alone. The younger kids were running around with sparklers and water guns, while the teenagers were sitting around and talking or playing cards. All except for Keith and Lance, who were right next to the fire with a purple blanket wrapped around their shoulders.

"So, where did you learn to play the guitar?" Keith asked, snuggling his head into Lance's shoulder.

"My dad," Lance whispered, "he taught me when I was around eight,"

Keith lazily glanced around at the adults, but furrowed his brows when he didn't see a man that was young enough to be Lance's dad. "Where is he?" he asked.

"He died when I was ten," Keith started and looked at Lance, noticing the slight tears in his eyes. He quickly move to sit in front of him and gently wiped the tears that had begun to fall on his cheeks.

"He, he died in a car cr-ash when I was ten," Lance cried, keeping his voice quiet, but sobbing into Keith's hands, "He wa-s coming h-ome from w-ork and a drunk driver cr-ashed into him," He was crying hard enough to make his words spaced out, so Keith quickly led him away to the other side of the dune for some privacy.

"Are you okay?" he asked his boyfriend once they were out of sight of the others.

Lance nodded and stared at the sand. "It's just hard, because he was one of the few men in my family that wasn't a good 60 years old, you know,"

Keith nodded, then gently laid his hand down on Lance's and kissed his cheek. Lance started and stared at him in bewilderment, since he was still getting used to being with Keith.

"What he that for?" he asked in a whisper, lacing their fingers together.

"You were sad," Keith said back, "I thought it would make you feel better,"

Lance gave a coy smile, then pouted. "I'm not sure I'm feeling better, yet," he whined, giving Keith the puppy dog eyes.

"Do you need another?" Keith asked, already placing a kiss on his nose.

"How about another hundred," Lance whispered and swooped in to kiss Keith on the lips.

They ended up cuddling in the sand before it was time for Keith to go back to Altea. Lance watched him go after giving him a quick kiss, one their family couldn't see, and began to wonder how he had gotten such a wonderful merman to fall in love with him. All of the pain they had gone through, just to share their first kiss and be able to cuddle and love each other, was so worth it.

A/N: Last chapter, my lovelies! Thank you all for taking this ride with me and loving my book. I hope you all enjoyed and be sure to check out the rest of my works. Love you guys! <3 


Little Merman - Klance Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now