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"You're awful happy this morning Marlow. Any particular reason?" My mom questioned as she leaned over the counter to hand me a plate.

"It was just a really good night last night." I replied trying my best to hide the smile that was threatening to spill over. The entire night kept replaying in my head and I could only hope she wouldn't guess what had happened.

Truthfully Mars almost didn't let me out of bed this morning after our night last night and I almost stayed put. Unfortunately my mother had other plans for Colby and I that involved breakfast at her house. Not that I was complaining about spending time with my mother, but when you woke up in a bed with a man like Mars, you wouldn't want to get up either.

"I'm glad Colby is opening up more. He seems completely different from the boy I met a few weeks ago."

I smiled at the mention of Colby. When he wasn't out playing with some of the other younger kids, he was glued to my side. I loved having him by my side constantly and I couldn't imagine my life without him.

"He's seriously the best. I really wish he was my son."

"You can always make him yours," My mom suggested." I know the club has to tell social services about any children they come across. If you really care about him that much then talk to Mars about it."

"I'll have to ask him about it for sure. I'm sure Colby would love to be a part of an actual family one day."

I caught Colby move from the corner of my eye as he moved closer to me. I carefully handed him the plate and seconds later he scurried over to the kitchen table to scarf it all down. I was always amazed at how much he ate once he regained his appetite. The last time we took him to the doctor he had gained a healthy amount of weight and seemed to be doing just fine in all other area's.

"Speaking of Mars. I heard from Hannah that things seem to be happening between the two of you," She asked persuasively. Her body language pretended not to be interested, but I knew her better than that.

"There's really nothing much to say. Ever since I've been back we've gotten to know each-other a bit and want to see if we'll work out."

She crossed her arms, completely not satisfied with my answer." So are you exclusive or just at the flirting stage of things still?"

I sighed before answering." We're exclusive mom. He makes me feel safe ever since the kidnapping incident and we just kind of get each-other. We may not always get along, but I know we share the same feelings."

"I just knew the two of you would hit it off. I can't wait until you give me some gorgeous grand-babies."

My mouth dropped once I registered what she had said. I grasped one of the rags she had always laying around and threw it at her face, hitting her square in the nose." That's what you get for saying that around Colby!Don't you have any decency?"

"Oh honey if I had any decency around children then I wouldn't have made you," She retorted.

"Mom!" I hissed as I tried my best to cover my ears.

She kept going on and on about the day she knew she conceived me and I could only hope and pray that Colby was too distracted by some game to pay attention.

Sorry that this is a filler chapter but I hope you liked the interaction between them! Let me know what you think :)

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