The Art Of Storytelling

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Disclaimer: This isn't going to be the same stereotypical Wattpad advice stories that tell you that patience is key, write what you love, yada yada yada. This is a book that's hopefully going to teach you how to not only advertise your story, but also how to develop a story over a period of time that is efficient in its plot, character development, etc.

Now with that being said, I want everyone to understand that I don't consider myself as the expert writer who knows everything about everything. Because I'm not, I'm continuously learning things everyday. However, I have been writing on Wattpad for over four years and believe that I have built a decent foundation of knowledge that could possibly help some people.

I want this to be more of a conversation though. Help me help you by commenting about what it is that you guys would actually like to know about. Otherwise this is going to be me mindlessly rambling about subjects that you might genuinely not care about at all.

Now, let's begin.

I'm sure you've all heard something along the lines of "Everyone can write a story, but not everyone can tell a story." Unless that's a brilliant quote that I just made up myself without realizing it. This, of course, implies that there's only a specific brute type of person who can truly take on the art of writing.

Which is completely true.

People who write don't always love it, believe that to be true. Although writing can sometimes feel freeing and adventurous, it is still hard work. So anyone not willing to put in the time to allow the story to develop before excitedly jumping into the main plot are generally the ones who end up failing early on. This is one of the most common issues amongst Wattpad stories. The main conflict being presented in the very first chapter of the story is often the beginning of what is going to be a long drawn out story full of pointless filler chapters that brings the reader absolutely nowhere, leading them to stop sometime in the middle without finishing the book.

I understand that you want the story to be enticing right off the bat, that's what every author wants. But more often than not this doesn't give the reader nearly enough time to form a connection with the characters enough to even care about the conflict. No part of writing a story is more important than another, but there are a specific way that these mechanics need to be used in order for them to remain important to the story.

This is all just a short introduction of what all is to come. I promise that chapters to come are going to be much lengthier, trust me. Tell me your thoughts on this little potential series and whether or not you'd like me to continue. I love having conversations like these and hope you all enjoy what more is to come.

What do you guys want me to talk about?

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Instagram: lilchocolatedonut

Book Instagram: lil_chocolate_donut

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