[[Chapter 5]]

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My head was pounding, i could barely even sleep but i did anyway...

I left early cuz i had a feeling that Mae was gonna have a headache aswell since she was so drunk yesterday

As i finally got home i went straight to my bed i got messages from Mae...how the heck?...

[TrashMammal65]: QmQ
[YourUsername]: Jeez sorry Mae..
[TrashMammal65]: Its fine, Just next time tell me?...
[YourUsername]: Whatever you say Mayday
[TrashMammal65]: Shut up -///-
[YourUsername]: How can i when im talking to the cute and adorable Mae?
[TrashMammal65 has left the chat]

I think i went to far but i thought the whole conversation was funny

Right after that i get a text from Gregg

[KnifeHut]: At the Snack Falcon if you wanna come save me from boredom...q^q.
[KnifeHut]: P.S. I told Mae the same thing so she may be here
[KnifeHut]: P.P.S. Band jam later OMG

He actually tried bribing me with Mae to hang with him...and it worked

As i head on over to the Snack Falcon Mae was already there talking to Gregg

I walk up to them and say
"Hey guys"
Mae looks at me blushing
"H-H-Hey Y/N..."
She looked flustered about that compliment i gave her before..
"Still crazy over the compliment?"
"N-No...shut up..."
She blushes imensly..I could tell she was extremely embarrassed by the compliment but I figured she didnt want to be teased around by it so I just went with it
"C-Can we just head out to band practice?..."
Mae said still flustered.
Gregg was nodding like crazy shouting
"LETS DO IT!!" .
We started heading out to Party Barn for band practice
Bea and Angus were already there setting everything up and Germ was there just because...

Without hesitation we just all started playing Weird Autumn.......It wasnt the best

At first there was silence after.... then Gregg spoke up
"That was.....Fine"

"Pretty bad.."
Bea went"

"Hey! I dont even know this song!"
Mae yelled

"Pfft, atleast you didnt eff the whole thing up"
I went and said gently shoving her

There was more silence....

"Welp....im bored...."

The second I said that, Gregg just shot up yelling

Mae also shoots up
"Shit! Im down!

They both look at me hoping I agree aswell
"Eff it...Im in.."


[This was all I had for when I first took a break from Wattpad, so Ima leave it off here and continue it next year]

[Im kidding, Im sorry you had to wait so long for this chapter ;-;]

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