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you said you would always be there, but where are you now?

She woke up the feeling of empitness at the pit of her stomach, but by now that's something she's used to. She dreaded waking up without being tangled into his arms, she missed the way they would lie in bed telling eachother stupid things that couldn't care less about but it didn't matter because they were together. She missed waking up to the smell of bacon and eggs, because her favourite thing was when he made her breakfast in bed. She missed the way he would carry her around the house on her back, or cradled in her arms because his favourite thing was making her happy. She missed having him wrap his arms around her waist frrom behind, placing kisses along her neck and shoulderblade til she turned around and kissed up. She missed him.

She wouldn't miss him so much if he had of treated her like dirt, tossed her around like some sort of old dusty barbie doll, just like she was used to. The thing was, he was the best thing she ever had, but she let it go, she took it for granted. she took everything she ever had for granted. Her family, her fans, her fame, and the love of her life. She pushed it all away and refused help. After being placed in rehab twice, she figured a third time wouldn't help.


"Demi baby, I can't help you if you can't open up your eyes long enough to see that all I want is to help you." He pleaded as she stood there in frustration.

"I don't need your help, I don't need anyones help. I'm perfectly fine. I'm rich and have all the fame in the world. I don't need you or anyone." She lied. She knew damn well she was hopeless on her own, and she needed all the help in the world.

"I will not stay here and watch you  fall apart, I can't watch you turn your life into something worse when you could have everything; I'm leaving, not because I don't love you, because I do, and I can't watch you destroy yourself anymore."

"Do it, fucking leave. Be that hypocrite that said they would never leave, and than leave, you fucking asshole. I hate you."


That's what fucks her up the most; a person know exactly what you've been through, promises to be different from everyone else, and ends up being the same.


So this is short, but let me know if you like it and wanted me to keep going? feed back would be greaaaaat!

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