You're Grumpy, I'm Lonely; Let's Be Friends

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An hour and a half later, my new roommate and I stand near the door admiring our work- well It's mostly Lea's work, but I did help a little. The room looks terrific, thanks to Lea letting me use some of her decorations since I didn't bring any, my side doesn't seem completely bland. I actually feel proud looking at the room that used to be a grey shoebox that now looks nice.

Our room isn't as small as I thought it would be, but it's still tiny, big enough only for two twin beds pushed against the left and right wall. On the left is Lea's bed with a bright purple and gold comforter with matching pillows. On my bed is a grey comforter that was her second one but she let me use it. Above each of our beds are the lights strung along the walls and two tapestries on each wall. Across from the door to the room is a skinny door to a half bathroom that houses a toilet and a sink with just enough room for all of Lea's makeup.

At the foot of the bed near the bathroom are two dressers one of which now houses my limited amount of clothes and the other Lea's extra abundant amount. At the head of each bed is a desk, Lea's desk has books and notes all over it while mine just has my school-issued laptop. The chairs are simple wood ones that don't look entirely uncomfortable but definitely not comfortable.

"Hey," My roommate says beside me, pride evident in her tone. "We make a good team, Willow," She turns to me and puts her hand up for a high-five, making me smile. I high-five her back. I had been nervous about getting a roommate who absolutely hated me, but Lea seems like the right person and maybe a good friend. It is soon to think about us being friends? In Brunswick I hadn't had any since we lived in the middle of nowhere and didn't talk to many humans. What if Lea doesn't even want to be friends? I shake that thought from my head quickly, there's no need to worry about that.

A loud knock comes from the door, barely heard over Lea's country music and I turn towards her, motioning to the radio. "Okay, okay, I'll turn it off." She puts her hands up in surrender before turning around with a wink and walking to the radio that takes up most of the desk, turning it down almost all the way. I walk to the door with a smile and open it to see a very tall person standing in front of it.

The person in question towers over me, and he doesn't look to be as nice as the boy I met earlier. Taking in his appearance, I notice he looks more professional than Max had, wearing a dark blue button-up shirt and a pair of khakis that make his legs look- nope, not going there. He has hazel brown eyes and unruly brown hair to match. His lashes are long enough to make any girl jealous, and he has a light splash of freckles across his nose which is slightly curved at the end. His high cheekbones are annoyingly cute and his full lips drawn down into a scowl. The boy I'm gawking at (the second one today!) looks at me with a raised brow, a little bit of a grin tugging the corner of his mouth.

"Taylor, stop scaring my roommate!" Lea calls behind me, and when I look over my shoulder, I see her sitting in her chair with her feet on the desk flipping through a book and not even looking up at us. I turn back towards Taylor just in time to see him roll his eyes with a slight smile before turning back towards me.

"The Headmaster wants to see you," He explains in a deep voice that almost commands my attention. I nod and turn back towards Lea, assuming that I'll have to leave and go speak to said Headmaster.

"I'll be back," I call to her, and she raises a hand in a salute which I guess means goodbye. Taylor steps back so I can step out of our room and close the door before we start walking down the hallway, trying to get through the crowds of kids. It isn't a problem for walking skyscraper Taylor but for me it is, and my shoulder gets knocked quite a lot.

I catch up to Taylor to walk next to him, and I can feel the awkward air between us. I can't help but feel like my social skills may need quite a lot of work if I'm going to be staying here. After a few seconds of walking and weaving around the many students just lingering in the hallway, I decided to maybe start a conversation. "So what year are you?" I ask, curious. I know better than to question his line unless he tells me- it's 'Witchery Etiquette 101'.

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