You're Mine || Virgil x Fem!Reader

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   I was going over to the Sanders household to just hangout with them as all of us didn't have any plans to go out. Of course, I was excited to see them, mainly Virgil. I don't know what it is about him, but I like him in a way that is more than just friends. I don't know how or why but what I do know is that I've liked him since he had been revealed, at first I thought Thomas had gone mad when he said the aspects of his personality had a physical body, but when I saw them in person I was shocked (and also intrigued). Who wouldn't be in that situation?

Sorry. I ramble when I get too passionate about something. Snapping out of my thoughts, I realised I had arrived at the Sanders' household so I walked up the small pathway and knocked on the door only to reveal everyone's favourite prince Roman.

"Hello, wonderful (Y/N)! Come in!" He grabbed my hand and kissed it. He normally greets me this way but this time it felt...weird. That's when I realised he had done that in front of everyone. I wasn't really that concerned until my eyes landed on Virgil.

"Uhm, hi Roman," I nervously chuckled as I felt my face turn as red as a tomato and then turned to say hello to everyone else. When I got to Mr Anxiety himself, however, he hugged me tightly. He's not the type of guy who would just give out hugs like that, if anything he's the one receiving them. When he let go, I noticed Roman was smirking while Virgil glared at him.

"Hey, (Y/N)? Can I talk to you in private?" He pulled me to another room.

"What ever I've done I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sor-" He cut me off by lifting my chin up so I looked at him and he kissed me. It was soft and sweet yet also passionate when I kissed back.

"(Y/N), I'm going to be honest with you," he began. "I've liked- no loved you ever since I met you, I can't stop thinking about you, and you're perfect in every way, shape, and form. Although I understand if you don't feel the same way."

"Virgil, of course I feel the same way." The moment I said that, without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. I kissed back after realising what just happens. "I'm yours."

"You're mine."


   We were in Virgil's bedroom, at first it was just a couple soft kisses but, as time progressed, they got more and more heated. Right now? I was being pinned by him on the bed while he was lightly grinding against me and jamming his tongue into my mouth during a makeout session that was about to get more interesting. He slipped his hand under the hoodie I was borrowing from him, and he would've gone further up...if Remus didn't interrupt.

"Use a condom! Or not, if you like it raw and having anxious little babies eveywhere..." He shouted from behind the door.

"Dude. Get out." Virgil growled, sitting up so he could cover me as i was only in an oversized hoodie of his.

"Eh, whatever." He closed the door after throwing a condom at the bed and rushing downstairs, most likely to tell the others about what we're doing.

"So, where were we?"

WC: 611

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