Chapter One

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Welcome! This is book 2 in my little Marhinki series, so if you haven't read the first one, it's called "It's Love," and you may be very confused in the future.

To everyone else, welcome back! I've been working super duper hard on all this, so please, sit back, relax and enjoy!


Chapter One Brielle

A Mari and Sohinki Fanfiction

Two Months Later:

Mari's POV:

"Aaliyah?" Sohinki asked.

"No," I said.

We were laying on the couch, watching some stupid reality TV show and trying to come up for names for our baby girl. That's right, we're having a girl.



We had kept the white crib in the nursery, but everything else was the totally different. The walls were now a light pink, and the floors were dark brown. The crib was full of pink blankets, in all shades, and we had tied little brown ribbons on the bars. Brown curtains with pink trim hung on the walls, and a brown and redish pink carpet was in the middle of the room. A brown plush chair with a foot rest was in one corner, and a white changing table and dresser were on the opposite wall.


"I don't think so."

My favorite part of the nursery was what was painted on the wall, above the crib. It was a little brown tree, with pink flowers sprouting off of it. Melanie had made it look like MS + MT was carved in it in a heart.


"What?" I asked, sitting up.

"Brielle? Spelled B-R-I-E-L-L-E."

"That's so pretty!" I gushed. "It's perfect!"

"Great! Now we just need a middle name."

"Ugh!" I groaned, flopping back down. "What was your grandmothers name?"

"Anne. Brielle Anne Sohinki."

"Wow, I didn't expect it to be that easy," I laughed. "Kalel and Anthony spent a month trying to come up with there names."

"I guess we are," he smiled at me, an kissed my head.

"Hey, will you go make me a peanut butter and cream cheese bagel?" I asked. Another weird food craving.

"Sure. I'll be right back," he said, hopping up and rushing to the kitchen. He returned a moment later with a plate and a glass of milk.

"You're the best," I smiled, taking a bite.

"I know I am. We're going to be amazing parents," he said, kissing my stomach.

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