Group hug

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The team just finished watching "the princess bride" and they're a goddamn mess, even tony 'Let's just hug it out guys, come on. Group hug.' Barton says as everyone crowds around the sound of shuffling feet and sniffles fill the air. Everyone's crowded around in a big unorganised pile of warmth, everyone's content until sam feels something brush against his ass. 'Barnes,' he whispers 'that you touching my ass?' He can feel James freeze 'yeah?'  'alright, just making sure Steve ain't getting handsy' James scoffs, 'he wouldn't dare, ain't that right stevie?' He says poking Steve in the ribs. 'wouldn't dream of it james'

The team breaks apart and everyone spreads out, some going back to the couch, others going to their rooms or to the gym, James and sam however, head to kitchen to make dinner. Steve comes down not to much later looking for something 'need anything?' Sam asks, 'yeah, you seen my wallet by any chance?' sam pauses and pokes James's butt that's sticking out from behind the fridge door 'Hun, you seen cap's wallet' 'can't say I have doll, check the couch' James says, head popping up briefly only to squat down to grab spinach. Sam turns to Steve shrugging, 'sorry dude, ask nat' sam hears a light 'damnit' come from Steve before hearing him shuffle away

Tony comes barrelling into the kitchen pointing the butt of a screwdriver accusingly at the pair, 'have you seen Barton, fucker has my wallet, I know it' James just snorts and closes the door to the fridge with his hip 'I'm sure he does tones, check your lab' sam says and swats tony away with a spatula

peter comes stumbling into the kitchen and falls into one of the stools at the breakfast bar 'mr.Barnes, mr.Wilson sirs?' Peter says, fidgeting with his hands 'yeah kid, what's up?' 'I uh, I misplaced my wallet, and I was wondering if you've seen it' before sam can say no James chimes in 'sure thing bud, it's next to your chem book on the coffee table' Peter's eyes light up 'wow, thanks mr. Barnes. I've been looking for that.' 'Thanks, kid now get' James says jerkin his thumb over his shoulder with a smile

Sam is cooking now, switching from pan to pan making sure nothing burns
when he says 'so, mister sticky fingers, wanna tell me where you put my wallet?' 'no can do sammy doll' James says placing a kiss on Sam's shoulder. 'Oh yeah, why's that baby' 'It's no fun' sam turns around and taps James's chest sassily 'baby I'm not gonna be any fun if I don't get my wallet' rolling his eyes James complies and puts Sam's wallet in his pocket. 'Now, if you excuse me. I'm gonna hide the rest in stupid places' before James is out of earshot sam calls out 'you're a child Barnes' 'you love it' he answers back and sam can hear his smile 'damn right I do' sam goes back to cooking but not before seeing Clint sprint by the door way and an angry Rhodes Chasing after him yelling for his wallet, he stifles a laugh when he hears Clint scream and almost loses his shit when he sees James on the ground howling with laughter.

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