Part 8

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Next lunch break, Venus sat under the tree, waiting for Christopurr to arrive. When he finally got there, she said "you're late. You should have been here 5 minutes ago." Christopurr smiled and said "I have to spend some time with my friends don't I?" Venus ignored him and carried on making notes. "Come on, stop being so moody! We have weeks to finish this project so why are we rushing?" Venus simply replied "we are going to need all the time we can get if we want to finish it properly." Though in truth, she was thinking "because I want to spend as little time with you as possible!"

Christopurr just laughed and started drawing some more diagrams. Soon enough, break had ended and Venus had barely said a word to Christopurr. Before he left though, he said "tomorrow, same time, same place, and I promise I won't be late!" Venus started to think that maybe Christopurr Mewsden wasn't as bad as he seemed...

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