chapter 21

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HI GUYS! HOPEFULLY I'LL GET MORE THAN ONE CHAPTER DONE TODAY :D! Please like message me if you want to tal or whatever- I'm always up for a chat, tehee:P This chapter won't be very sad-I'm in a good mood,hehe. I have had a few ideas to continue this story so it will probably end up as a series of books :-)! I still can't believe Harry's getting a SLEEVE. I mean Zayn seems to be the only one that could pull it off?:/ I don't want Harry to do stuff he'll regret, that boy;goshh! ANYWHO I FORGOT TO SAY IN THE LAST AN: WEREN'T THEY INCREDIBLE AT THE CLOSING CEREMONY?! I MEAN WOAH, HOT GUYS WITH BEAUTIFUL VOICES SHOWING YOU BITCHES HOW IT'S DONEEEEE;) THEY MISSED OUT HAZZA'S SOLO! HE COULD'VE SUNG IT IF THEY DIDN'T SING NA NA NA NA FOR A BILLION YEARS! AND LIAM'S SOLO, GRRRR. Er,yeah..on with the story? I AM NORMAL, I SWEAR>:D


The day was here, it was time for me to leave. My bags were packed and all ready to go. Everyone decided that they were going to come and wave me off. We were piled in the van, no one quite sure of what to say. I wanted to cry but I didn't want to seem weak. Three months without seeing my brother, my best friends or my boyfriend. It was going to break me, I had Tiff- right? Maybe she can help me smile, help me enjoy what I'm doing. Don't take it the wrong way; I am SO grateful for this oppourtunity, I mean- I've dreamed of this since I was like 5! But I didn't want to leave, this tour has been incredible. I've had the time of my life, I guess now it's time to grow up and spread my wings, right?

"Promise you'll skype me every day and ring me and text me all the time?" Louis asked, his usual charisma missing. I put on a weak smile,

"Of course LouisPoo! I couldn't go a day without talking to my best friend!" I replied, leaning over to mess up his hair. He smiled a bit. 

"I love you Ane." he said, looking at me.

"Don't call me Ane. And, I love you too LouisPoo." I leaned over and gave him an awkward hug.

"ZAYNIEEE, LOUIS STEALING MY GIRLFRIEND!!" Liam fake sobbed into Zayn's shoulder. 

"ZIAM MOMENT!" I shouted, pulling out my phone and snapping a photo. I opened up twitter,

"Aw, how adorbz is #Ziam? @ZaynMalik & @Real_Liam_Payne xx" 

A few seconds after hitting send, both Liam and Zayn's phones buzzed. They pulled them out and saw the photo. 

"ARIANE MURS!" Liam faked to be angry, 

"LIAM PAYNE!" I retorted, fighting back laughter. 

"You're a numptey. Come here." he grinned and pulled me away from Louis and onto his lap. 

"I'm you're numptey though." I giggled. Zayn still had his phone out and took a picture of us. He tweeted it.

"Aw, young love;). @ArianeMurs and @Real_Liam_Payne #Revenge" 

I saw it and smiled, it was a cute photo. 

"We're here." Olly said as we pulled up. Everyone sighed and piled out the car. I got my suitcases out of the boot. Liam and Olly took one each, insisting on taking them for me. I slipped some sunglasses over my eyes so no one would see if I started crying. We got inside and I checked in and everything. My flight was in half an hour. This was it, it was goodbye. I gave everyone a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 

"Wait...I want a picture of us all before I go." I smiled a bit and we asked a lady to take the photo on my phone. There was Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, Harry, Olly, Hannah, Helen, Eleanor, Perrie and, of course, me. The camera clicked and I got my phone back, it was the perfect picture. 

"I'll tweet it to you all!" I said, by now a tear was rolling down my cheek. Olly picked me up, just like he did when we were kids. He put me down again and took off my glasses,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2012 ⏰

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