An Irrational Fear

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*Another original. Hope you enjoy!*

     It's cliche, really. The way we jump at small noises after watching a scary movie. The way humans cower in fear  when unsettling creaks and groans plague our ears when we're in bed at night. The idea of "Things that go bump in the night" is such an overused horror trope that it's hardly rational to be actually afraid of sound! And yet, we are. Cowards. Such ridiculous, embarrassing, cowards we are. Yelping at the gust of wind through an open window or the snaps of twigs when we are hiking through the woods. Nobody understands the stupidity. No one understands what we really should be afraid of.  Think, for once in your life, really think about the concept of noise! What results in noise? Carelessness, of course. A squirrel dropping a nut on your window, simulating an eerie knocking on the glass. A strong breeze knocking over a ladder in the garage, causing a horrendous metallic crash.  Carelessness. Negligence. Haphazardly throwing caution to the wind. In other words, creating a commotion is complete and utter idiocy. The thing that's after you is not an idiot. It knows how to to breathe. How to get by without your notice. Remember---whenever you hear a sound your brain deems as suspicious or a possible threat, your body swiftly becomes alert and ready to fight. That is not good for your predator's intentions. It is extremely, extremely intelligent. Still don't quite understand what it is that you need to be afraid of? Well, the answer is simple. The absence of noise. When everything is still and silent, nothing wrong with the world, when you feel completely at peace and blissfully ignorant of your surroundings, be afraid. Be very afraid. It just might save your life.

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