Chapter 1

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I woke up from my nap. Its before sunrise, I don't like it, but I don't like anything about this world anymore. 'Snap out if it kassidee! Let's just set out to find daryl.. he's alive, obviously, but where?'

I began walking; killing some walkers with my knife. No sounds, I can't have that. I walk into this building and I see the same person I fell in love with when I was 17; Daryl dixon.

They see me, crap. Daryl looks at me. I see a bit of Joy, relief, and shock in his eyes, but only for a half a second, soon a half smile appeared.

"We're just looking for merle" "Oh, I hope we find him." We make our way to the rooftop that's chained down, we used bolt cutters and we saw...Merles hand.

Daryl tries to attack tdog, but fails, he then picks up the hand and puts it in Glenns bag, I stay quite. quite scared. We go follow the blood, and we see his skin, burnt to stop the blood, I walk over to the window and daryl follows staying close to me, I missed him so much.

Rick thought they weren't gonna find him, so they went to the truck, its gone. "Merle took it" rick said.. Daryl got mad, when the rest turned around I told daryl "Its ok. If he did take the truck it means he's alive, but I promise we'll find him"

We go to the bag of guns, but we ain't the only ones wanting it, they took me and glenn. We drove back to there "Place" and waited 10-15 minutes they grabbed me and put a bag over my head someone yelled "I'll kill her, promise, not a threat" "I'll stomp your ass into the ground" Daryl says.

they put me back into the place I was in and some man was having an asthma attack "Breathe in and out, deep and steady breaths" it was working then Daryl, rick and tdog came in the room. He runs and hugs me for dear life

*back at camp*

I met everyone and told them "I'm going hunting" "me too" daryl said

when we get out of sight daryl pushes me up against a tree "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that, I missed you do much" "I missed you too" I said




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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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