Chapter 1

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"Hi Mom" Arya yells to her Mom, who is sitting at her desk, as she puts her keys in the key basket.

"Hi, honey! How was school?"

"Uneventful, as usual" Arya sighs as she throws her backpack into the corner of her room and flops on her bed.

She grabs her phone out of her back pocket. She checks Instagram and sees that she has a new follower. Someone named Quinn. As far as Arya knew noone named Quinn went to her high school. She checked out his account. He wasn't the most attractive but he was cute. After scrolling through his page for a while Arya goes back to the top and followes him back. His number was in his bio.

"What the hell? I don't have anything better to do."

She texts him.

"Hey, its Arya, you followed me on Instagram? I checked out your page and thought it look pretty cool. Just thought I would say Hello"

As soon as she sends it she gets a reply. 

"Oh ya hey. What's up?"

Arya was about to reply her Mom called for her

"What Mom?"

"Come here, please"

Arya started thinking if she could be in an trouble. She's not, her just mom gives her the run down of the schedul of the week.

Arya peeks down at the unanswered message.

"Ya, ya, okay mom" Arya replys absent mindedly

"Uh... okay. Dinner will be in a hour or so" her mom says curiously

Arya walks back to her room, sits on her bed and types her reply

"Getting lectured by my mom, you?"

She grabs her backpack and tosses it on her desk chair. Starting her french homework.

Her phone buzzes on her bed.

"Thats always fun. I just got done eating  dinner."

Eating dinner, where does he live?

"oh, dinner? Where do you live?"

Arya turns her attention back to her french homework.

le chien est brun

This is such a pain in the ass. Can't I just drink some potion and I can know the whole french language.

Arya ingnores the buzz of her phone and finishes her homework. Then she finally checks her messages.

I live in Texas

Texas, really? Damn pretty far from a little town in Washington state.

Oh. Wow far way from Washington state

Well that explains why she's never hear of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2014 ⏰

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