Calum Hood - Bowls Are for Squares

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  • Dedicated to Sabrina Deitz

"Do my Pj's look okay to you?" Calum asks. " look like an angel." You reply. "Why are you getting into your Pj's so early." You ask. "it's okay 3am." He goes into the kitchen. "Because, Ashton and I are having a sleep over." You nod your head. "he should be here any second." He says. coming out of the kitchen with a cup of cereal. "Why a cup?" you ask  him. "Because bowls are for squares." You role your eye. You ask him if you can stay when Ashton comes. He replies "Of course"

Ashton comes in with Mikey and Luke. "I heard there was a party, I brought pizza." Mikey says. "I thought you said only ashton?" He pulls you by the hand and takes you to the room. "I'm sorry. " He says kissing you on the cheek. "Please let them stay." 

"Okay but only if some of my friends get to come."

"I got the call heard there was pizza!" One of your friends yelled as they walked in. 

Mikey's eyes lit up! "How many what?" He mumbles. "Girls..And they eat pizza too."

(Sorry this one sucked.) 

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