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Cold. Numb. Empty. I had been curled up in a ball on the floor of Nathan's room for what I perceived to be hours until Nathan was able to get close enough to me without me flinching away and moved me to his bed, laid me down and pulled me into his chest. I stayed in the same position, not moving. Even with Nathan radiating plenty of heat, and keeping the blankets on me I still felt cold. Cold in my bones. My own parents. They hated me enough to want to palm me off to someone who could and would kill me without even thinking twice. How could they? I never would've gathered they didn't want me. They were so loving, brought me up in a good household, kept on top of my education and everything, even with the other family instances that happened through the years, and their unwarming behaviours.

The sun peeked through the curtains painting a stream of orange along the floor. Nathan seemed to stir, tightening his grip on me. I remained still, lifeless.
"You didn't get any sleep did you?" I heard Nathan speak groggily in his husky morning voice. I didn't answer or move. I heard him sigh as he sat up. "You haven't spoken let alone moved. I know it was a shock to learn about how and why you ended up with me but you can't act dead forever." He said. I knew he was right but that didn't mean I was ready to attempt to do anything any time soon. I was quite content playing dead and being cold. Not feeling anything as far as emotions go.

"Why don't you have a nice hot bath? It might help." He suggested. I still didn't budge. "Come on Alysha, you can't stay in my bed all day. I've got to go to work in..." He trailed off, leaning over me to get his phone. "An hour."

"Nothing? Really?" He said after a few moments. He snapped his fingers in my face a few times. He still didn't get any reaction from me. My glassy, glazed over eyes remaining fixed on thin air. "Can you at least give me an answer about having some blood this morning?" He asked. I didn't say anything. I didn't move. He took my wrist in his hand and brought it too his mouth. "I'm taking your silence as a yes, say something or pull your wrist from my grip if you object." He said baring his fangs watching me intently. He had his fangs pinching my wrist. I still gave him no reaction. "I'd thought I'd at least get something from you!" He groaned frustratedly, dropping my wrist. "Look, I'm not going to take any blood unless you give me a verbal yes and are willing, or you offer it which you've only ever done two or three times of your own free will so I won't hold my breath for that happening." He said, moving my hair behind my ear. "Can you just try to move at some point? Preferably before I leave for work so I know you are alive." He said, kissing my forehead and shuffling down the bed to hop off at the end. I just remained where I was, staring into space. I heard Nathan move about his room before a door open and close. Within a minute or so I heard the shower running.

'Should I move? I don't want to. It would make Nathan happy... but do I really care about anything anymore? Why is the temperature changing...?' I moved onto my stomach, pulling the blankets with me. I moved. Yay. Nathan will get off my case and go to work and all will be great in the world. Except. There's the whole - parents don't give a shit about me and would rather me dead thing. Nathan probably only took me because he felt sorry for me. Maybe just saw it as a free deal to getting another girl to drain. There would've been two of us then. He could pick and choose over who he drank from next. Who knows, maybe one of us had the morning shift and the other the night. Best of fun.

I heard the water stop running. Five minutes later I heard footsteps. The room flooded with light as curtains were forced open. I felt the bed dip. "You moved." Mr obvious stated. "Any plans to do anything else other than roll onto your stomach?" He questioned, resting his hand on my back. "Good talk." He said dryly. I think he was getting just a tad annoyed. Maybe if I keep this up long enough he will punish me. Might feel something then.

"I'm going downstairs to have a coffee, then I'll come back to check on you before I leave. If you haven't moved I just might have to consider relocating you myself." He said patting my shoulder before exiting the room.

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