Chapter 8

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Okay, sorry for not updating, I've been having to go to bed early, school starts on Thursday you know!!!

Nanami's POV

He just sat there, stuttering like crazy. "Wh-why does that boy have cat-ears?!?!?!" At that moment, Mizuki walked in. Oh, Nanami-chan, I see you and the Fox are in quite the predicament." 

Mamoru popped up on my shoulder, "What does 'pardictament' mean?" he asked in a child like voice. (A/N This is a manga-only-will-get character. He is Nanami's shikigami, and she hatched him from an egg. I'll put a picture of him on the side. He's cute in both forms!!!At this moment, he's a small monkey in a leotard!Sorry, I could only get a picture from the manga!!) 

"It means problem, and it's predicament. You know, I really thought you'd know this information." Tomoe said, sounding like he couldn't care less about the fact my father had seen his ears.

My dad turned his head to Mamoru on my shoulder. "W-why is that m-monkey so small?! And why is it t-talking?!"  

Mamoru looked at me, asking for aproval, I nodded, giving him permission. He jumped off of my shoulder and transformed into his human form. Gosh, it's so cute! Like a grade-schooler!! 

He held out his hand for my baffeled father to shake, "I'm Mamoru, Nanami-chan's shikigami, and pretty much, child!" My dad didn't take his hand. (A/N okay, so Nanami does say that she's responsable for him. And calls him 'child' a lot, so I've always seen Nanami as his mother, so yeah!)

"H-he turned into a boy!!" He almost passed out. "Okay, let us explain, Mr. Momozono" Mizuki tried to calm him. God, if Mizuki is explaining, it's not going to be what my dad is expecting. This'll probably be a lot of fun!

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