Drunk dragon.

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Natsu let out a disgruntled groan as he woke up. He was sore and from the waist down he could barely move. "Owww what the fuck happened to me." He heard a snort next to him. It was then he became aware that he was wrapped In Gray's arms and all he was wearing was a black sweat shirt. Gray was completely naked. "We had sex Natsu. Guess you were too drunk to remember...does that mean you forgot what you said to me as well." Natsu blinked up at him. Slowly everything came back to him making his head hurt.
"I remember...e-everything.." Gray relaxed and smiled. Natsu snuggled into Gray who put his hand on Natsu's bare thigh. Natsu's hands couldn't be seen because of the overly long sleeves. Gray thought it was cute. "Your so tiny...I've never noticed before Natsu." Natsu blushed and giggles cutely. "I knowww...I don't like my height.." Gray looked confused. "Why not it's adorable." Natsu pouted. "Yeah but I can never reach high things." Gray laughed and kissed Natsu's head. "Um Gray...do u really love me? Because I always thought you hated me...I...I just want to make sure..." Gray looked sad. He pulled Natsu up so they were sat and Natsu was straddling him. Natsu flushed. Gray peppered him in kisses. "Yes I love you. I always have." Natsu flung him self around Gray. "Luv u.." Gray chuckled falling back against the bed with natsu in his arms. Gray made some food for them. They watched a movie and cuddled. Natsu fell asleep a few times because his heat made him tired. Gray was taking care of him. Natsu had a hot water bottle on his stomach to help with cramps. He'd taken some paracetamol and some aspirin. He did not enjoy having a hangover tho. He'd thrown up three times already. Gray hadn't thrown up yet. Maybe he didn't drink as much. Natsu had fallen asleep again. Gray smiled watching the tiny pinkette. He rested a hand on Natsu's thigh and stroked the smooth skin. Natsu looked adorable. His tiny button nose , his smooth soft skin , his rosy pink hair that fell in his eyes. His small skinny frame. The feminine curves that natsu got shy about. Natsu was beautiful yet he didn't realise it. Gray caressed the sleeping boys cheek. Natsu's nose wrinkled as he stirred a little. He curled himself around Gray hugging the ice wizard chest, Gray chuckled petting Natsu's hair. "Why are you so damn gorgeous?" He whispered. The sleeping fire mage whined in his sleep his face scrunching up In pain. Gray carded his fingers through Natsu's rosy locks making the boy relax. Gray smiled and went back to watching tv while slowly petting Natsu's hair. There was knock on the door Gray slowly shifted so Natsu was laying on the sofa the Blanket Up to his waist. Gray quickly realising he was naked still ran up stairs tugging on some black jeans and A white long sleeve sweatshirt. He ran to the door opening it to see pretty much the while guild looking distraught. Raising an eye brow in confusion he asked. "What's wrong?" Lucy promptly burst into tears , juvia hugged her from behind. Erza her voice breaking multiple times said. "Natsu..h-He's missing." Gray couldn't help it. He laughed. That is until he was slapped sharply by Lucy. "HOw Can YOu LAUgH! So YOu two fight..BUT he's still your friend. dID last NIgHT MEan nothing! He kissed you! You kissed him!" Lucy was in a frenzy.
Gray sighed rubbing his cheek that was now sore. Although he probably did deserve that. "Jeez. Did ya have to slap me. Natsu's fine. Go see for your self but don't wake him. And obviously last night meant something. Or we wouldn't be a couple now would we?" Lucy had gone from bawling her eyes out to curious excited fangirl in a millisecond. She was literally bouncing up and down. "Sorry bout hitting you! You guys are a couple now!? Can I seee him pleaseeee!" She chatted rapidly. Gray just let them in. Lucy was looking at Natsu closely. "You two we're certainly busy." Suddenly Natsu's eyes fluttered open and he yelped seeing Lucy tower over him. Gray put his hand on Natsu's head to calm him. Natsu pouted one hand over his heart. "Jeezuz lord LUCe you scared me!" Lucy giggled. "Sorry." Natsu shook his head fondly. "No problem luce....Gray? What happened to your cheek." Gray laughed nervously. "I kinda made Lucy worry so I got slapped...I deserved it." Natsu shook his head wrly. "Why do I date you?" Gray pouted And leaned down and kissed Natsu's head. "Hopefully cos u love me?" Natsu giggled.
"That is very true." Lucy squealed from how adorable it was. The others all grinned and congratulated them for being a couple. "Hey are baking something there's a really sweet smell in the air...is it cake!" Erza asked excitedly. Natsu and Gray looked confused. "We aren't baking anything?" They both said in unison. Gageel slowly worked it out...but how could the others smell it...only dragons slayers and their mates could smell the scents. "Well I think I know what it is...but I'm not sure how you can smell it."  Gageel stated. The others looked at him awaiting an explanation. "It's Natsu you can smell. Dragon slayers have scents...but normally only dragon slayers and their mates can smell it. The only thing I can think of that could possibly allow you to be able to smell it is if he was pregnant..." everyone looked at each other then at gray and Natsu. Natsu bit his lip nervously. "Well...I am in heat?" Gageel sighed in mock annoyance. "And you didn't use protection." Natsu and Gray both blushed and shook their heads. Gageel huffed.
"Looks like popsicle got you knocked up salamader." Erza gave Gray a death glare. Lucy managed to calm her down thankfully. Master smiled proudly. "I'll contact Porlyusica to help you through it." Natsu nodded. He was admittedly a little scared but he'd be okay...

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