Lovely Terror (Short Story)

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     I hear them talking as the throng of people move down the hallway. I stay close to my shadows as I move. The girls stop to take a drink at the rusty water fountain. When the sunlight catches one of the girl's necklace, it casts dancing, little rainbows that skitter across the floor. One of them stops talking and turns around and sees me try to leave. She throws her friends a smirk and she begins to follow me as I to flee the hallway.

     When a teacher walks out into the hall, she stops and talks to him. I take the much needed distraction to calmly put my belongings in my bag. When I look back up, she's saying goodbye to him and turns back to me. Even from far away, I can still see her the smirk on her lips. She takes an advancing step towards me and her shoes echo loudly in the suddenly empty hallway.

     A whimper escapes me as I look for my way out. Unfortunately the hallway seems to go on forever. Taking a chance, I scuttle towards me. Taking a chance, I scuttle towards the backdoor of the school only to find it locked.

     "But of course, wouldn't want to let the students get out would we?" A mocking voice that wasn't my own purrs in my mind. I whimper again as I turn around to face her. I can't run anymore, I've reached a dead end.

     "Hi Lars!" Her soft voice floats through the air as she moves closer to me. A tearless sob wretches out of my chest as I press closer to the locked, metal door. I tremble as I try to stay calm. "Why are you ignoring me?" She asks with a out. The sad look in her blue eyes could make anymore falter but I knew that under that fake sadness there was an anger that would make Charles Manson cower in fear.

     "I-I'm only doing what my dad told me to do." I stammer as I scuff my shoes against the tiled floor making a loud squeak.

     A snarl danced onto her lips for a couple of fleeting seconds before it changes into a feral, wolf-like smile. Her lips look to wide, like someone had cut the edges of her mouth apart. "Your daddy won't be here to save you today, sweetie." Her teeth began to lengthen to the point of her canines being visible from under her lips.

     Another embarrassing whimper comes from my throat when she trails her cool fingertips across my neck. Her other hand lightly traces my jaw before clamping down on my mouth to cover my screams as her teeth slam into my neck.

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