Sirius Black // Sensitive Apologies

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I jerked my sweater tighter around me as the wind began to blow hard, and began breathing into my palms. Godric, I knew I should've listened to James and worn my mittens this Hogsmeade trip. I stop in my tracks and look up at Sirius through my eyelashes.

Sirius eyed me and shook his head, taking off his mittens, "You should've listened to your brother, you know. Now I have to act like a gentleman and offer you my mittens."

"Aw, you don't have to." I grab the mittens from him before he could put them back on.

"Godric, this snow is making it so hard to walk. Come on, Y/N, hurry up, Remus is probably waiting for us at Pudifoot's. We're already late enough because someone took an hour's time to get dressed." Sirius huffs and wraps his arm around my shoulder and steers me towards the tiny shop which was pretty far from where we were standing, while I struggle to put the mittens on.

"Oh, you have got to be joking! You can't do a single thing." Sirius cries out and helps me put them on, while I narrow my eyes at him. CAN'T DO A SINGLE THING?

"I would say thank you, but according to your knowledge, I can't do that ." I fold my arms and walk ahead of him; he knows I'm sensitive as hell.

I can hear him sigh in annoyance as he calls out, "Princess, you know I didn't mean it."


But, because of his long, manly stride, he was able to catch up with me. He got hold of my elbow and turned me around. Now, unlike the clichè things Eva had told that she'd seen on Muggle Television, the girl would melt in her guys arms and forgive him instantly. Not gonna happen now.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. You know how your brother gets when we don't arrive on time. Especially if we came in together! He goes all crazy on me like the overprotective brother he is!" Sirius looks into my eyes and begs for forgiveness.

I rolled my eyes and wriggled out of his hold, "Try that on one of girlfriends from your fan club who are gonna forgive you even if you did a one night stand with atleast three girls."

He stepped forward, "Princess, you know I'm not like that. Not anymore, at least."

I roll my eyes and Sirius takes my hand, "I am so sorry, Y/N. You are the strongest and most beautiful woman I have ever met, both from inside and out-" I look at him hesitantly as he continues to pour his heart out, "- you are funny, and maybe that's why we get along so well. You have been my rock ever since I left home, and I am eternally grateful for having someone like you in my fucked up life."

I smiled as Sirius lets go of my hand and caresses my cheek. His simple touch made my eyes flutter close.

"HEY, GET OFF MY SISTER, YOU ARSE!" I heard James' voice from far.

"Oh, bloody hell, your brother's gonna murder me." Sirius cursed.

He quickly pressed his lips against mine and dogded James while my brother chased after him.


I know, short and boring but I didn't want to stretch it cause I was bored and wanted to post something mainly because I have no ideas at this point and I wanted some kinda inspiration.

And if you guys are having a bad day, remember that Sirius Black loves you and so do I ;)♡

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