chapter 2

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to day every boy in school you passed was going love duby over a girl with shot blue hair you haven't met her but you can tell this is going to be a pain in you tail

you were walking in the woods and saw someone they turnde to you 

"help me please" she said you looked closer and she stared into you eyes you could tell she was trying yo use a charm of sorts on you so you just turned and walked away

"fuck this i'm not being hypnotised" you said as you walked away and went back into school were moka and tsukune were walking while some guys were jelious of him he walked off somewere and you went to moka 

"hello" you said and she turned to you qucikly and held her heart

"don't scare me like that" she said with lightly afraid look you laughed sligtly

"i'll scare you at any time you may never know" you said with a mischievous look

"so were is he going" you asked

"oh into the woods to think" she said you know something was up

"well good luck i'm going to study" you said turning around and giving her a peace sign 

in you dorm you were reading a book about succubi dew to a hunch

"succubi can look into someone's eyes and make them do what every they want dew to a narutal charm all succubi have if someone is strong willed and the succcubi isn't strong than the person either in will or pyhsical strengh they are trying to charm the succubi has to look both eyes for a few mintues" you read out loud 

"if a succubi kisses someone who is under thier charm that person will become thier slave forever, succubi are monsters of lust and sex the more they have sex and lust the stronger they dew to this the younger the succubi the weeker they are" you read out loud again then thought about it

'if she is a succubi then what she was trying to was make her slave she will proberly do it to more people wierd how monster are like aliens at time' you thought with a chuckle

you came out of your dorm and walked around trying to find moka and co you just went to class and saw them not looking at each other 

but moka and the blue hair girl were glareing at each other frm the side you could have sword thier were sparks of lightning 

the bell rung and walked away from the class and you hird 

you kept walking and went to the railing sistong to the conversation  you just ignored but graoned at the pun she made, she said she was a succubus 'fucking called it' you thought

"i vowed yester day i wont lose to you any more" she said making you snicker

'more like lost to me bitch' you thought

tsukune came by calling for moka the blue hair girl went and hugged him

"kurumu i need to talk to moka" tsukune said be began to talk all wierd and his eyes went life less moka ran away crying 

"oy kurumu" you and she stared at you say love charm "after i help moka i'm going to fight you bitch" you said jumped of the railing and ran after moka ignoring the kurumu talking

eventily found her by the stares and she was talking aloud

"dumb ass" you muttered  then a echy voice of inner moke spoke

"you don't have time to mope" she said shocking both of us

"tskune fell to the succubi love charm a abilty all sucubi have making men thier slaves" she contined

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