Chapter One: Story Time

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I will have the story in bold to differentiate it from the main part.
     Peridot ran across the snow covered ground as flurries of snowballs flew past her. She laughed as none of them managed to hit her.
     "You gotta try harder to hit me, you clod!" Peridot yelled, sticking her tongue out at Amethyst, who had her arms full of snowballs. Amethyst snickered when she saw that Peridot had stopped just to tease her and currently wasn't paying attention to anything. Amethyst grabbed one of the bigger snowballs she was holding and forcefully aimed it directly at Peridot's face.
     The distracted Peridot quickly looked to see that a huge snowball was hurtling right towards her, not even giving her the chance to think about the direction she was going to go in order to avoid it. The snowball whacked her in the face, the impact making her fall backwards into the snow. Amethyst walked over to her.
"Are you okay, Peri?" Amethyst asked her in amusement.
"I'm perfectly fine," She replied, rolling her green eyes.
"Here, let me help you up," Amethyst said as she reached her hand out for Peridot to grab. Peridot smiled as she took Amethyst's hand, yanking her down into the snow beside her. Peridot chucked evilly and sat up, taking a fistful of snow from the ground.
"Uhh.. Peridot," Amethyst said apprehensively, "What are you going to do with that sn-" Amethyst was cut off as Peridot rubbed the snow all over her face.
"Vengeance is mine!" Peridot yelled.
"Peridot, STOP. That's really cold!" Amethyst said laughing with a face full of snow.
Peridot put her arms down and laughed.
"Snow is fun," she said with a smile.
The two gems stood up and brushed the snow off themselves.
"We should probably get back to the house. It's starting to get late," Amethyst told Peridot, as she turned towards the house.
"Okay, lets go."
As they walked to the house, Amethyst couldn't help but notice the fact that Peridot was smiling.
"I'm glad you've been in a better mood since this summer."
"Me too, but it hasn't been easy. I think about Lapis everyday, and how she left with the barn and everything else. But the thing that upsets me the most about it is that she never said goodbye. She just left like it was no big deal! I thought she cared about me..." Amethyst noticed a tear falling down her face, but Peridot quickly wiped it away.
Then her tone changed. "Though, I'm glad that you guys didn't let me sulk in the bathroom forever. You helped me get into a much better mood, and I've been able to fulfill my role as a Crystal Gem better here then I ever was able to at the barn. I'm thankful that you've all done so much for me these past few months," She said while walking up the steps behind Amethyst.
"And besides, I don't think that Lapis would've wanted to leave the barn to spend time with the group today... or at all. She didn't want us to come over last year. Anyways, what was so special about today anyways?" Peridot asked Amethyst.
"Oh yeah! Well..." Amethyst said as she opened the door. Peridot then saw that Steven and the rest of the Crystal Gems were hanging up decorations all over the house.
"Is this that Christmas thing humans celebrate?" Peridot asked Amethyst.
Connie just finished decorating the tree and saw that Peridot and Amethyst had come inside. She walked over to them.
"Hey guys! How was the snow?" Connie asked them.
Amethyst turned to see the fourteen year old girl walking towards them.
"It was great," She replied to Connie. They both looked at Peridot, who was watching the other gems hang up decorations.
"Why does Peridot look so confused?" Connie asked Amethyst.
"She doesn't know what Christmas is."
Peridot glared at them, "I do to know what Christmas is! It just seems so pointless. Why are we celebrating it? Isn't it a human thing?"
"It's for everyone Peridot! Not just humans." Connie told her.
"Well whatever. Why don't we just skip it, I mean it's rather stupid. Isn't it just a day dedicated to sugary candy and presents?"
"Yeah, and how is it stupid? Presents and candy are some of my favorite things!" Amethyst said, defending it.
Connie facepalmed herself, "Amethyst meant to say that it is NOT just about those things. It's about coming together as family and friends and spending quality time with one another. There's so much warmth and love thrown into this holiday. It's just amazing!"
"Okay, but what makes it different than any other day? We can get together some other time!" Peridot retorted.
"Of course. But with all of the traditions, it adds up to be something even more special. Like the gift giving for example, it's not about getting gifts, it's about coming together and finding something meaningful to give to the people you care about, and it feels good to see them smile because of that. This and many other things make today and tomorrow different than any other time of the year."
"Yeah, whatever. But don't you think that we should be out looking for the corrupted gem that Garnet scouted yesterday? We should be doing our job instead of singing songs and opening presents!" Peridot told Connie.
"Come on Perski, we all need some time to loosen up every once in a while," Amethyst said.
Connie jumped up, "Hey! This reminds me of a popular Christmas story I've read. It's about a human who despises Christmas, but he eventually sees the meaning of it with a bit of help. It's really amazing and meaningful. Every year I like to sit down and read it because it's my favorite. I would read it to you, except I don't have the book on me right now."
"Why don't you just tell it to us, it doesn't have to be perfect or anything," Amethyst told her.
"You're right Amethyst! I could just tell it to you guys, and maybe I can change it up to be interesting for you two."
"Like a parody?" Peridot asked, rolling her eyes. She did not want to hear any cheesy Christmas stories.
"Yes, exactly. This is going to be so much fun!" Connie exclaimed.
"Wait! I need some hot chocolate before you start," Amethyst said, running into the kitchen. She came back only a second later with a warm cup of hot chocolate.
"How was that so quick?!" Connie and Peridot asked in amazement.
"Oh! I stole it from Steven. The microwave finished warming it up and he wasn't there when it beeped. First come first serve," Amethyst leaned back into the couch and took a sip of the hot chocolate, looking very content with herself. Then all of the sudden, they heard the shout of a fifteen year old boy coming from the kitchen.
"Where is my hot chocolate!?!" He yelled.
Amethyst smiled.
"Okay Connie tell us the story."
Peridot stood up from the couch.
"I won't be taking part in this," She said as she walked away.
But, before Peridot could get anywhere, Amethyst picked her up and set her right back onto the couch. Holding Peridot down, she laughed, "You're not getting out of this!" Peridot kicked her legs and tried to wriggle free of Amethyst's grasp. Amethyst snickered at Peridot's attempts to free herself and kept holding onto her.
Once Peridot knew she wasn't going to escape, Connie started her story.
"Once upon a time the was a bitter human that went by the name of Perrie..."
Peridot groaned, "Ugh! You're making this about us aren't you?"
Connie blushed in embarrassment, "No. I'm not...."
"Whatever, just continue," Amethyst took another sip of her hot chocolate.
"Okay let's start it from the beginning," Connie said.

I've had this part done for a month now and some of the second part as well. I was going to upload this part with the others, but I'll do it now so I at least have one part up before Christmas.

Peridot's Holiday TaleWhere stories live. Discover now